NDLON in the News

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RELEASE: Grammy Award-Winning Quetzal Joins Community Concert Outside Immigrant Prison

For Immediate ReleaseJuly 31, 2015Contact: Claudia Bautista, cbautista@ndlon.org, (310) 909-3917 Grammy Award-Winning Quetzal Joins Community Concert Outside Immigrant PrisonAs Scapegoating of Immigrants on the rise following “Trump Effect”, Community Rallies to Serenade Inmates and Deportees What: Chant Down the Walls Concert with Los Jornaleros del Norte & Grammy Award-Winning Quetzal followed by Clitoral Mass Bike…


RELEASE: DC Officials, Immigrant Rights Groups Denounce Scapegoating in Congress, Stand up for Trust

For Immediate Release July 30, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org DC Officials, Immigrant Rights Groups Denounce Scapegoating in Congress, Stand up for Trust “DC is proud to be a sanctuary city” – Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton Washington, DC—On Thursday, city officials and immigrant rights groups joined in a unity press conference at the front steps of…


RELEASE: #BringKenaultHome: Coalition demands due process for father & husband deported for minor marijuana convictions

For Immediate Release Press contacts: Olga Tomchin, olga@ndlon.org, 402.650.2339 // Jerónimo Saldaña, Jsaldana@policy.org, 212-613-8074 // Heidi Altman,haltman@caircoalition.org, 202-331-3320 x 20 #BringKenaultHome: Coalition demands due process for father and husband deported for minor marijuana convictions Washington, DC—A coalition of immigrant rights, human rights, and criminal justice reform advocacy organizations are calling on Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Office of Chief Counsel to allow green card holder Garfield Kenault Lawrence, (A#…


NDLON reaction to hearing: Surge of Racist Rhetoric is Endangering All of Us

For Immediate Release
July 21, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org, 202-746-2099 REACTION: Surge of Racist Rhetoric is Endangering All of US Los Angeles, CA—In response to today’s Senate Committee on Judiciary hearing, Pablo Alvarado, Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) issued the following statement: “Donald Trump, a birther who believes President Obama himself is an undocumented…
