NDLON in the News

Subheading phrase goes here.

The Case Against Sheriff Arpaio – NY Times

Mr. Arpaio hasn’t just been a favorite of the Republicans. The Department of Homeland Security has long been an ally and enabler of Mr. Arpaio through its local-policing programs: 287(g) and Se Communities. On Thursday, hours after the Perez letter was released, it finally ended the sheriff’s 287(g) jail-monitoring program and denied him acc


Levantando Nuestras Voces: Leadership Development Curriculum

NDLON leadership development training curriculum, based on popular education principles, for social change (in Spanish). Leadership development, as practiced in NDLON, is a collective teaching and learning process that allows one to learn while transforming their reality. Based on this philosophy, changing the social structures that perpetuate violence, abuse, exploitation and repression of day laborers…


Groundbreaking at Seattle’s Casa Latina

It’s common to see day laborers waiting for jobs outside the big home improvement store. But for many in Seattle, a new community gathering space will ensure a safe haven and access to education while Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn grabbed a shovel and dug in for Casa Latina’s groundbreaking event near the Central district. “Maybe…
