Since its roll-out in 2008, ICE’s “Secure Communities” deportation dragnet has become operational nationwide (aka S-COMM), ensuring that any interaction with local law enforcement can lead to immigration arrest and deportation. S-COMM ensures that biometric information obtained by local police/sheriffs at booking (like fingerprints) is obtained immediately by DHS and ICE, regardless of the cause or illegality of the arrest. ICE then uses a series of (usually unconstitutional) tactics to get local law enforcement to identify, detain, and transfer more individuals to their custody.
The revolt against S-COMM resulted in over 350 localities nationwide enacting policies against the controversial deportation dragnet. Because ultimately, it’s up to localities, states, and communities how their resources are used, not DHS and not ICE.
Thru organizing and litigation, NDLON anchored the fight to uncover the truth about S-COMM and ensure localities take action and enact policies that reject the criminalization of immigrants. For more info about the fight to advance sanctuary cities and state policies, check this out.
More info about the litigation-organizing strategy below!