NDLON in the News

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REACTION: Will North Carolina Become a New National Symbol of Hate?

Press Release September 29, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org REACTION: Will North Carolina Become a New National Symbol of Hate? Durham, North Carolina—In response to the North Carolina General Assembly’s sending anti-immigrant bill HB 318 to Governor Pat McCrory, Pilar Rocha-Goldberg, President of El Centro Hispano, made the following statement: “North Carolina risks going down Arizona’s unwise…


NDLON Reaction: There is still time for Boehner to Do the Right Thing

For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross PostingsDate: Friday, September 25, 2015Contact: Salvador Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org  NDLON Reaction: There is still time for Boehner to Do the Right Thing Los Angeles, CA — In reaction to news of Speaker Boehner’s sudden announcement of resignation, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON),…


REACTION: L.A. Sheriff Reverses Course on Jail Deportations

For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross Postings Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Contact: Claudia Bautista, cbautista@ndlon.org, (310) 909-3917 REACTION: L.A. Sheriff Reverses Course on Jail Deportations Los Angeles, CA – In response to the newly released draft Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Report Back Regarding the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), Pablo Alvarado, Director for the National Day…


National Coalition Demands DOJ Drop Charges Retaliating Against Portland Labor Leader

For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 8, 2015Press Contact: Olga Tomchin, olga@ndlon.org National Coalition Demands DOJ Drop Charges Retaliating Against Portland Labor Leader for Seeking Sanctuary in a Church Portland, OR—Today, 118 labor, faith, immigrant rights, and civil rights organizations joined together to call on US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Acting US Attorney Billy Williams to immediately…


Federal Judge Confirms Long Island Day Laborers are Protected by US Constitution

For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 4, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org Federal Judge Confirms Long Island Day Laborers are Protected by US Constitution Long Island, NY—In response to a federal court judge striking down a NY town’s law banning day laborers from seeking work, representatives of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) made the following statements: Gabriel…


RELEASE: NDLON Demands Answers from ICE after “Record Number” of Arrests

For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 3, 2015Contact: Claudia Bautista, cbautista@ndlon.org NDLON Demands Answers from ICE after “Record Number” of Arrests Los Angeles, CA—In response to ICE’s ‘record setting’ raid in Southern California during which 244 people were taken from their homes, immigrant and civil rights groups are demanding transparency from ICE and offering a hotline for individuals that…
