Support for Immigration Reform Requires Opposition to Unjust Deportations
Trapped in the Deportation Machine : The New Yorker
You get arrested. The authorities run a background check. They need to know if you have outstanding warrants or unpaid tickets, if you jumped bail somewhere, check if you’re driving a stolen vehicle. To obtain your criminal history, they routinely send your fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which keeps a database of more than a hundred million prints. The F.B.I., under a federal program known as Se Communities, will share your fingerprints with the Department of Homeland Security.
DetailsFamilies Facing Deportation Confront Southern ICE Office, Ask Supporters to Make Calls
We Don’t Want to Be Deported Before the Path to Citizenship Opens
04.22.2013 – New Orleans, LA
This morning, five families who are facing deportation entered the Southern regional field office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to demand that the office’s public advocate, Bryan Acuna, fulfill his duties by taking on their cases to stop their removals and cease the violent raids and targeting of low-priority cases that are rampant across the region.
Report: Many foreign nationals detained for deportation are not criminals – MiamiHerald
A majority of foreign nationals detained for deportation in Miami-Dade County through the controversial immigration enforcement program called Se Communities were not dangerous criminals, according to a report to be released Monday. The conclusions of the 57 page report, “False Promises: The Failure of Se Communities in Miami-Dade County,” are at odds with the stated objectives of the federal program launched in 2008. Those goals are to detain and deport convicted foreign nationals who pose a threat to public safety and those who are repeat violators of immigration laws, such as immigrants who have returned to the United States after being deported. “Contrary to these policy goals, we found that 61 percent of individuals ordered for removal from Miami-Dade County are either low-level offenders or not guilty of the crime for which they were arrested,” according to the report.
DetailsGroups want Obama to halt deportations amid immigration reform debate
Almost immediately after the bipartisan immigration reform bill was formally introduced early Wednesday in the Senate, calls for an end to the deportations of undocumented immigrants who could qualify for the bill started pouring in. “President [Barack] Obama should seize the opportunity presented today by immediately suspending deportations, at a…
DetailsDay Laborers React to Senate Immigration Proposal
Introduction Poses Test for President Los Angeles, CA – 04.17.2013In response to the introduction of the Senate ‘Gang of 8’ immigration reform bill, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement: “President Obama should seize the opportunity presented today by immediately suspending deportations, at a bare minimum for…