NDLON in the News

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National Restoring Trust Launch Seeks Alternatives to SB1070 & Pushes Back Against S-Comm

Elected, Faith and Law Enforcement Leaders Discuss Need to Restore Trust in Law Enforcement in Immigrant Communities Following Arizona Supreme Court Ruling


WHAT: Telephonic press briefing with faith and local elected leaders
WHEN: Tuesday, July 10 at 12 Noon Eastern Time


  • Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbi Emeritus of Los Angeles
  • Jesus C. Garcia, County Commissioner, Cook County, Illinois
  • Ron Hampton, Executive Director Blacks in Law Enforcement in America, 24 year retired veteran of the DC Metropolitan Police Department

Email bloewe@ndlon.org for call-in number. 


California Senate OKs bill that would blunt deportation efforts – latimes.com

A bill that that would restrict California law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement efforts passed the state Senate on Thursday. The Trust Act would prohibit police and sheriff’s officials from detaining arrestees for possible deportation unless the suspects have previous convictions for a serious or violent felony. The measure is aimed at blunting federal immigration enforcement, in particular the Se Communities program, under which fingerprints of arrestees are shared with immigration officials who issue hold orders. The legislation now goes to the Assembly, where even opponents say it is likely to pass. If signed into law, the measure would mark another in a string of state legislative efforts on behalf of California’s estimated 2.55 million illegal immigrants. The bill follows several months of controversy over whether Se Communities can be imposed on local jurisdictions, some of which adopted rules to keep local law enforcement separate…


California Senate OKs bill that would blunt deportation efforts – latimes.com

A bill that that would restrict California law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement efforts passed the state Senate on Thursday. The Trust Act would prohibit police and sheriff’s officials from detaining arrestees for possible deportation unless the suspects have previous convictions for a serious or violent felony. The measure is aimed at blunting federal immigration enforcement, in particular the Se Communities program, under which fingerprints of arrestees are shared with immigration officials who issue hold orders. The legislation now goes to the Assembly, where even opponents say it is likely to pass. If signed into law, the measure would mark another in a string of state legislative efforts on behalf of California’s estimated 2.55 million illegal immigrants. The bill follows several months of controversy over whether Se Communities can be imposed on local jurisdictions, some of which adopted rules to keep local law enforcement separate…



Vote repudiates Homeland Security’s “Se Communities” program;

Creates Contrast with Arizona’s harsh approach to immigrant residents




The California State Senate passed the TRUST Act today aimed at countering the strict deportation policies implemented by the federal government under its “Se Communities” program. Its sponsors contrast the common-sense tone of the California bill with the harsh law passed in Arizona, much of which was overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court last week.


After a forthcoming concurrance vote in the California Assembly, the TRUST Act will be sent to Gov. Jerry Brown to sign. The bill responds to and repudiates the state’s forced participation in the program enforced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Securities, which has led to the incarceration and deportation of tens of thousands of undocumented residents in California who have committed no crimes.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement program faces novel challenge

We’ve been hearing a lot about how immigration enforcement intersects with local law enforcement. Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld an Arizona requirement that police officers check the immigration status of people they stop for other reasons. Now we’ll hear from our West Side bureau about a suburban Chicago man who got tangled up with immigration enforcement after a arrest. He has filed a suit that offers a novel challenge to one of President Obama’s key immigration-enforcement programs. MITCHELL: There’s no doubt James Makowski of Clarendan Hills did something illegal. In 2010 police caught him with heroin and he pleaded guilty to that. A judge approved him for a state-run boot camp. But that’s not where Makowski ended up. MAKOWSKI: I thought I would be home in 120 days but — then after I get a note back from a counselor, view after I’d asked about when I’d be shipping to boot camp — she said that I was ineligible for boot camp due to an immigration detainer.


Newly Obtained Documents Reveal Se Communities Program Leads to Deportations of People Who Have Never Been Arrested

July 3, 2012—Today, advocates released emails from the FBI and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) that show that ICE’s controversial Se Communities deportation program is sweeping in individuals who have never been criminally arrested. The emails—which were obtained as a result of Freedom of Information Act litigation brought by the National Day Laborer…
