NDLON in the News

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Day Laborer & Immigrant Orgs Join National “Coming Out of the Shadows” Month, Call for Stop to Deportations

Community members facing deportation and detention to come out at events around the country calling for a moratorium to record-breaking deportations and the federal quota programs that drive them.
03/04/2013—Day laborer and immigrant worker organizations have declared this March a month of action where those in deportation proceedings, will join undocumented youth in ‘coming out’ events to say ‘Not One More (Ni uno más);’ not one more person taken from their loved ones because of deportations.
For the past three years, undocumented youth have held “coming out” events as a central tactic to activate dream-act eligible youth, humanize those targeted by immigration laws, and expose the inhumanity of current immigration policies.  This year, the youth-led initiative will take on a specific focus of deportation and detention and be joined by adults,  day laborers, people facing removal, and broader community members’ participation highlighting the impact of the immigration enforcement policies that have rapidly expanded under the President’s first term in order to meet Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s self-imposed quota of 400,000 deportations per year. 

Day Laborer & Immigrant Orgs Join National “Coming Out of the Shadows” Month, Call for Stop to Deportations

Community members facing deportation and detention to come out at events around the country calling for a moratorium to record-breaking deportations and the federal quota programs that drive them.
03/04/2013—Day laborer and immigrant worker organizations have declared this March a month of action where those in deportation proceedings, will join undocumented youth in ‘coming out’ events to say ‘Not One More (Ni uno más);’ not one more person taken from their loved ones because of deportations.
For the past three years, undocumented youth have held “coming out” events as a central tactic to activate dream-act eligible youth, humanize those targeted by immigration laws, and expose the inhumanity of current immigration policies.  This year, the youth-led initiative will take on a specific focus of deportation and detention and be joined by adults,  day laborers, people facing removal, and broader community members’ participation highlighting the impact of the immigration enforcement policies that have rapidly expanded under the President’s first term in order to meet Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s self-imposed quota of 400,000 deportations per year. 

Feds free hundreds from immigration detention

Republicans on Tuesday denounced the release of hundreds of illegal immigrants from federal detention centers as an attempt to frighten Americans into supporting President Obama’s budget spending demands. Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,said it was "abhorrent" that Obama would release lawbreakers…
