NDLON in the News

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NDLON: If Dems Had to Make Immigration Policy in the Light of Day, We Would be Dealing with a Different Beast

For Immediate ReleaseMarch 10, 2016Contact: Salvador G Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org  NDLON: If Dems Had to Make Immigration Policy in the Light of Day, We Would be Dealing with a Different Beast Los Angeles, CA—In response to candidates’ commitments on immigration at the Democratic debate in Miami last night, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) staff attorney,…


Accountability for a Failed Immigration Strategy

For Immediate ReleaseMarch 9, 2016Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org  NDLON: Accountability for a Failed Immigration Strategy Los Angeles, CA—As the Democratic presidential candidates prepare for another debate round tonight in Miami, Florida, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network‘s Executive Director, Pablo Alvarado, made the following statement: “As we head into the next Democratic debate, we must…


Questions for Tonight’s Debate

For Immediate ReleaseFebruary 18, 2016Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org  Questions for Tonight’s Debate As the Democratic candidates meet once again to debate in Nevada, they have only begun to clarify their positions on key immigration policies. Below, are some questions that should be raised tonight and answered by Senator Sanders and former Secretary of State Clinton.…


REACTION: Sen. Sanders & Congressman Grijalva are Right about the Failure of President Obama’s Deportation Policy

For Immediate ReleaseFebruary 11, 2016Contact: Salvador Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org REACTION: Sen. Sanders & Congressman Grijalva are Right about the Failure of President Obama’s Deportation Policy Washington, DC—In response to the White House’s release of its final DHS budget, and news that Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Raul Grijalva sent a letter criticizing President Obama’s signature deportation…


Immigrant Rights Groups File Civil Rights Complaint: ICE nearly castrates grandfather in detention & now tries to deport him to likely death in Guatemala

For Immediate ReleaseFeb. 2, 2016Contacts: Olga Tomchin, olga@ndlon.org // Thomas Rome, thomas.rome@gmail.com  Immigrant Rights Groups File Civil Rights Complaint: ICE nearly castrates grandfather in detention & now tries to deport him to likely death in Guatemala Hyrum, UT—Yesterday, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC), and the attorneys at…


John Legend and Juanes Join Call to Overhaul Immigrant Detention as Part of Campaign to End Mass Incarceration

For Immediate ReleaseJanuary 21, 2016 John Legend and Juanes Join Call to Overhaul Immigrant Detention as Part of Campaign to End Mass Incarceration National #FREEAMERICA Tour Sees The Two Multiple Grammy Winning ArtistsSpotlighting The Link Between Needed Immigration and Mass Incarceration Reforms Juanes And John Legend Visit The Notorious Eloy Detention Center, Tent City, and…
