NDLON in the News

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Following Release of DHS Worksite Memo, Immigrant Worker Blue Ribbon Commission Holds First Public Meeting

For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Contact: Viridiana Vidal, vvidal@ndlon.org Following Release of DHS Worksite Memo, Immigrant Worker Blue Ribbon Commission Holds First Public MeetingAnnounces Series of Open Hearings in Coming Weeks Nationwide — On Monday evening, workers and advocates from the recently formed Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) hosted…


NDLON Convenes BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION to Make Sure Promise of New DHS Worksite Memo is Fulfilled

Following publication of a new memo by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security setting forth a new direction for worksite immigration enforcement, NDLON, its member & partner organizations, and others formally announced today the launch of a new BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION (BRC) to provide input on, guidance for, and evaluation of the new policy and priorities currently under development in the next sixty days.
