NDLON in the News

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Unnecessary Roadblocks Prompt Fayetteville Community Meeting with Fairburn Police Chief

The Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights calls to end roadblocks associated with racial profiling in immigrant communities. 

What: Press Conference Before Meeting with Fairburn Police Department 
When: Monday, May 14th 1:00 pm 
Where: 191 South West Broad St. Fairburn, Ga. 30213 
Who: CPG, Fayetteville Community and the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) 

Recent activation of 287(g) agreements, Se Communities, and HB87, that merge local police with complex federal immigration authorities has led to an increase in racial profiling and discrimination in law enforcement practices. 

In Fayetteville, community members will be meeting with Fairburn Police Chief James McCarthy on Monday the 14th to call for an end to roadblocks they describe as focal points of discrimination. 


Joe Arpaio Faces Justice Department Lawsuit Over Allegations Of Civil Rights Violations

arpaioFederal authorities sued America’s self-proclaimed toughest sheriff Thursday, a rare step after months of negotiations failed to yield an agreement to settle allegations that his department racially profiled Latinos in his trademark immigration patrols.

The U.S. Department of Justice officials said the agency filed a lawsuit only once before in the 18-year history of its police reform work. The lawsuit escalates the standoff with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and puts the dispute on track to be decided by a federal judge.


Dear feds: What Took You So Long With Arpaio? EJ Montini

The U.S. Department of Justice filed its lawsuit against  Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio Thursday and the first and most obvious question is: What took you so long? If you’ve lived in Arizona for any amount of time you KNEW that Arpaio would not cooperate voluntarily. It’s not his nature. He’s been the elected potentate of a sheriff’s department for
