NDLON in the News

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SB1070 Sparks Phoenix Protests – AZ Republic

Anger and frustration borne out of Arizona’s tough immigration law has galvanized Latinos young and old to register to vote, get politically engaged and have their voices heard. Much of the anger from two years ago, when Gov. Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1070 into law, has subsided. These days, opponents of the law feel more empowered — even


Supreme Court SB1070 Argument Heightens Necessity for White House Action in Arizona

Court Must Strike Down Unconstitutional SB1070, Administration Must Cut Ties with Racial Profiling State

04.25.2012 Phoenix, AZ.
In response to reports from within Supreme Court that Justices expressed approval toward several parts of SB 1070 , Carlos Garcia of Puente Arizona released the following statement:

“SB 1070 is unconstitutional, and we expect it to be struck down by the Supreme Court.  But SB 1070 is a symptom of a much larger problem, and it’s one that has been made worse by President Obama’s own immigration policies that use people like Sheriff Arpaio as ‘force multipliers.’   The spin around today’s Supreme Court spectacle masks the fact that the Department of Homeland Security continues to advance programs that criminalize immigrants, and the Department of Justice has still failed in its duty to civil rights violations it has merely described for three years.  

La Corte Suprema decide el futuro de la Ley SB1070 de Arizona – CNN en Español – Ultimas Noticias de Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica y el Mundo, Opinión y Videos – CNN.com Blogs

La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos está a punto de decidir si Arizona puede implementar su controvertida ley migratoria ante las fuertes objeciones del gobierno de Barack Obama. El miércoles se presentarán los argumentos orales. Un fallo a favor de la gobernadora Joe Brewer en tiempo de elecciones presidenciales podría provocar una renovada ate
