NDLON in the News

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Jornaleros indocumentados pierden centro de empleo en NY – laopinion.com

Gavino Hernández observaba con tristeza ayer lo que quedó en el interior de una pequeña casita roja de madera donde logró encontrar trabajo como jornalero durante varios años. “Nos sentimos en la ruina. No nos queda nada”, murmuró el mexicano indocumentado, más conocido como “Camilo” y quien hace trabajos esporádicos de construcción. “Queremos que los compañeros sigan aquí todavía. En las esquinas, haciendo de jornalero, uno corre mucho peligro”. Hernández hablaba de “la casita”, una diminuta estructura de madera con una puerta amarilla que alentó a cientos de jornaleros durante más de una década en el barrio de Bensonhurst, en Brooklyn. Allí se reunían pronto por las mañanas, se organizaban y eran recogidos por empresas de construcción que necesitan mano de obra barata durante el día. Los vientos huracanados de la supertormenta Sandy, sin embargo, arrancaron de cuajo el pequeño centro y lo trasladaron unos 50 metros al norte, en el centro comercial de Ceasar Bay.


Más presión por el Acta de Confianza – laopinion.com

Decenas de organizaciones defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes en California comenzaron a presionar al gobernador Jerry Brown para que firme el Acta de Confianza, y la ley pueda entrar en vigor en enero. El proyecto de ley AB1081 vetado por el gobernador en septiembre pasado, treat volverá a ser presentado por tercera vez. Aún no se conocen los detalles de la nueva versión pero Carlos Alcalá, portavoz del asambleísta demócrata de San Francisco, Tom Ammiamo confirmó que será este lunes cuando se reintroduzca de nuevo. En septiembre pasado, el gobernador vetó el Acta de Confianza, un proyecto de ley que hubiera permitido que las cárceles locales no mantuvieran detenidos a petición del Servicio de Migración y Aduanas a los inmigrantes indocumentados a quienes no se les encuentran delitos. Al mismo tiempo buscaba poner freno a los excesos cometidos por el programa federal Comunidades Seguras (S-Comm)


Public Forum on Se Communities, ICE Holds, and TRUST ACT

  As Los Angeles and California are set to lead national reform, lessons learned from Chicago and elsewhere   Saturday Event Featuring Cook County Commissioner Garcia, MALDEF President, and  Legal Experts Make Case for Local Policy   What: Loyola Law School Forum: Immigrant Communities, Policing, and Safety When: Saturday, December 1, 2012. 12:00pm – 3:00pm Where: Loyola Law School,…


Day Laborers Play a Role in Sandy’s Aftermath

A dozen day laborers gathered on a recent evening at an immigrant day worker center in Staten Island’s Port Richmond neighborhood. Some have already started doing clean-up and repairing people’s homes in Sandy’s wake. Others expected to do so in the coming weeks and months. They were at the center to take part in a training session. “We want to ma


Feds Scaling Back 287g

The Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office’s application for the federal 287(g) program still is pending but could be placed on the back-burner due to a lack of funding. “We’ve got an application on file, but it’s still pending in Washington,” Sheriff Roger Garrison said. “But the Atlanta office told us that, currently, there’s not enough funding for new programs, so the application still is on file.” Garrison said he still hopes to be approved for the federal program, which is part of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The program gives state and local law enforcement the authority to perform functions of immigration law enforcement through an agreement. When it was first implemented, Garrison wasn’t interested in the program, because the county doesn’t have the capability to hold illegal immigrants for extended periods. It was through communications with another sheriff in North Carolina that Garrison found out that a clause can be added to the agreement that would require Immigration


Far fewer illegal immigrants turned over to feds

The net cast for illegal immigrants in Sonoma County shrank dramatically in the past year — with far fewer people turned over to the federal government for being in the country without permission. The reasons for that change are hard to pinpoint. But it corresponds chronologically to a decision that local law enforcement agencies — urged on by advocates for illegal immigrants’ rights — made last year to accept Mexican consular cards as valid identification. That meant officers in the field who were confident of the identity of a person they contacted could check them against records, and did not always have to take that person to jail to find out if they were wanted or otherwise posed a threat. Since the new policy took effect, local authorities have turned over just under half as many people as they previously did to Immigration and Customs Enforcement under the federal agency’s Se Communities program, according to data the agency provided.
