NDLON in the News

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Re-birth of a Nation

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Re-Birth of a Nation

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When I first saw the campaign ad in Louisiana, it reminded me of the 1915 klan film “Birth of a Nation.” As I watch election results and copycat bills of Arizona’s SB 1070 spreading across the country and now 14 states considering attempts to rewrite the 14th amendment, I wonder what nation we are birthing today.


America’s ‘Toughest Sheriff’ and the Human Right Crisis He’s Created

Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; text-align: left; padding: 0px;”>“They call me KKK, I consider it an honor. It means we’re doing something,” are the startling words of Sheriff Arpaio, the top law enforcer of Maricopa County, Arizona.

Unlike radio hosts or other public officials who lose their posts instantly when uttering similar remarks, Arpaio’s position has won five elections and received continuous support from the federal government.(1)


Sea Captains Learn Babies Make Bad Anchors

Following the press conference of Arizona state legislator Russell Pearce in which he offered his amendment to the constitution to deny citizen ship to “anchor babies” or rather the first generation citizens born in the US, the Nautical Association of Sea Captains held their own press conference to refute Pearce’s claims. “Arrr see tha ting…


Arizona Policies Leave Children without Parents

click Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; text-align: left; padding: 0px;”>In Arizona, law enforcement has two new tools in their supposed fight against immigration; ski masks and teddy bears.

Anyone in Maricopa County can sign-up to be part of volunteer posses that sweep through Brown neighborhoods on a self-described hunt. Upon taking up the task, they’re handed those two items, a ski mask to hide their identity and a teddy bear to hand to any children whose mother or father they rip away.



Through this lawsuit, filed in April 2010, NDLON, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Cardozo Immigration Justice Clinic seek to “Uncover the Truth” about the “Se Communities” program.  We have obtained over 80,000 pages of documents, many of which are available online.  The documents show that, despite ICE’s representations of S-Comm as a program…
