NDLON in the News

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Day Laborers Respond to President’s Immigration Reform Speech, Call on Him to Suspend Deportations

    2013-06-11. Washington, DC. In response to the President’s speech this morning on immigration reform, Pablo Alvarado, executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, issued the following statement.   “The President must lead by example by exercising his broad authority and discretion.   Actions speak louder than words, and there are several steps…


Activists Protests Obama LA Visit

When word got out that President Obama was scheduled to attend a donor lunch at a private residence in an exclusive Los Angeles neighborhood, here there activists set out to greet him. After paying $32, seek 400, at least one of the activists, Paul Scott, managed to wrangle an invitation to the event. But as soon as the organizers got wind of Scott’s activism — he…


Reprochan a Obama – laopinion.com

En referencia a su rango de Comandante en Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos, case el presidente Barack Obama fue catalogado ayer como "El Deportante en Jefe" por un grupo de manifestantes que le reprocharon los 1.7 millones de deportaciones realizadas durante su Gobierno. Obama estuvo ayer de visita en Los Ángeles en un…
