NDLON in the News

Subheading phrase goes here.

Health and Safety

In terms of workplace health and safety risks, day laborers are among the most vulnerable labor groups in the U.S. Day laborers are often hired to perform the dirtiest, most difficult and dangerous jobs. Reports show that migrant workers are injured, suffer, and die on the job at a higher rates than native-born workers because…



NDLON promotes immigration reform that legalizes undocumented immigrants and offers regular status for those living in the shadows. Everyone deserves full respect and dignity in society regardless of immigration status. Legalization and criminalization are two opposites that cannot co-exist. Therefore any immigration reform must offer pathways to citizenship without compromising on policies that broaden the…


Alto Arizona

¡Alto Arizona! is a response to Arizona Senate Bill 1070. It is a campaign to push back against anti-immigrant state and local laws that are unjustly targeting migrant communities across the state. On Friday, April 23rd, Governor Jan Brewer joined the ranks of George Wallace and others like him who sought to gain political advantage…


Program Areas

Migrant Rights Turning the Tide Alto Arizona Legalization Labor Rights Wage Theft Excluded Workers Day Laborers Workers Centers Street Corners Health & Safety   Migrant Rights In the absence of federal immigration reform, states are seeking their own remedies and taking matters into their own hands. Emboldened by misguided and punitive federal enforcement programs, states…


Annual Reports

The National Day Laborer Organizing Network is proud to present its 10th Annual Report. You can preview the report online in the viewer below or download a PDF version of the Report in English. To view the report in Spanish, click Spanish here. “Stronger Together” Annual Report – English Version
