NDLON in the News

Subheading phrase goes here.

DHS to Expand Controversial Se Communities Program

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano defended the budgetary request to complete the enlargement of the controversial Se Communities program as part of “smart and effective enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.” She outlined Department of Homeland Security priorities for the 2013 fiscal year during an appearance before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security. Napolitano said DHS’ 2013 budget “includes funding to complete nationwide deployment” of the Se Communities program in fiscal 2013, which ends Sept. 30, 2013. – Fox News Latino 03.10.2012


Immigration rights groups urge FBI advisory board to end Se Communities

In light of Justice Department investigations of civil rights violations at some local police departments in the last few months, view a coalition of immigration rights groups has asked an FBI policy advisory board to eliminate the controversial Se Communities biometric identification program. The March 8 letter was sent by groups, including the Center for Constitutional Rights, National Day Labor Organizing Network (NDLON), Muslim Legal Fund of America, and more than 75 other groups, to the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division. The groups said the FBI’s APB Working Groups meetings coming up in August as should consider the Arizona and Connecticut investigations in deciding how to proceed with the program. – Government Security News 03.10.2012


When States Put Out the Unwelcome Mat – NYTimes.com

There is one area, besides copper mining and home foreclosures, where Arizona is a national leader. It’s at the front of a movement by states and local governments to seize control of immigration from the federal government. In 2010 it passed a law, S.B. 1070, that made the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants its official policy with a g


Immigration Official: ‘Draconian’ To Suspend Program Over Racial Profiling Investigation

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton said Thursday that the agency has no plans to suspend a controversial program that gives police authority to detect undocumented immigrants, even in jurisdictions under investigation for racial profiling. “From our perspective that is a fairly draconian step, and we’re very concerned about the public safety implications of not identifying serious offenders who would otherwise be released to the streets,” Morton told a House of Representatives subcommittee on homeland security. ICE has remained staunchly committed to the Se Communities program, despite opposition from many immigrant-rights groups, lawmakers and law enforcement offices. And even though the agency, partnered with the Department of Justice, is investigating whether local police are engaged in racial profiling, the administration of President Obama plans to move ahead at the same rate to implement the program nationwide. – Huffington Post 03.09.2012
