Is S-Comm Living Up to Its Promise in Boston
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DetailsThe Los Angeles Police Department will no longer detain some undocumented suspects on behalf of federal immigration authorities, the L.A. Police Commission decided Tuesday. The commission made that change at the request of LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. He told commissioners that L.A. should lead the way in correcting flaws in the federal Se Communities program. Under that program, local law enforcement agencies automatically share fingerprints of anyone they arrest with federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE then has the option of asking police to detain arrestees for 48 hours so the immigration agency can begin deportation proceedings. LAPD Assistant Chief Michel Moore told the Police Commission the program is ICE’s “primary engine for the identification and removal of criminal aliens and others who pose a threat to public safety.” But the LAPD’s six-month survey of ICE detetainer requests indicated that 10 percent were for people who had no criminal histories and were…
Details(Español) Todos y todas en la Red Nacional de Jornaleros estámos de luto por la pérdida de Jenni Rivera. Ella no sólo tuvo un impacto a través de su música, sino a través de tomar una posición firme para las Latinas y para inmigrantes y contra la discriminación y leyes como SB1070. Estamos eternamente…
DetailsVolunteers are crossing state lines to help clean up neighborhoods that took a beating from Hurricane Sandy. At a firefighter’s home on Beach 135th Street and Cronston Avenue in Belle Harbor, volunteers from the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” are helping to gut the severely damaged residence, pulling up waterlogged floor boards and
DetailsA Josías, el hijo de dos años de Miguel Alarcón Morales, se le agravó un asma porque la familia sigue viviendo en el segundo piso de una vivienda que se inundó con el paso del feroz huracán “Sandy”. La casa está llena de moho y huele a humedad, la pintura se desprende de las paredes, explicó el padre. “No es seguro vivir allí, respirando todo eso,
DetailsApparently seeking post-Sandy , New York Mayor Bloomberg’s deputies recently paid a visit to New Orleans. According to The New York Times, here Deputy Mayors Howard Wolfson, Linda I. Gibbs and Robert K. Steel met with New Orleans officials to discuss recovery and rebuilding. If New York’s development-minded mayor is consulting his equivalents in L