NDLON in the News

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SB1070 ruling still isn’t comprehensive reform

Two years after Gov. Jan Brewer signed SB1070 into law and then saw it suspended while legal appeals wound their way through the courts, the Supreme Court has finally ruled. But to our basic question of two years ago — Why haven’t the White House and Congress acted on comprehensive reform? — there has been no answer. Monday’s court ruling


Arizona sigue firme contra la inmigración

Desde este viernes la Justicia estadounidense podrá ordenar la cancelación de la suspensión temporal aprobada en 2010 del polémico artículo 2(b) de la ley SB1070 de Arizona. Sin embargo, existen aún muchas dudas sobre la fecha exacta en que podría entrar en vigor esa disposición, ya que no se ha clarificado el procedimiento a seguir y, además, su a


Fortalecen lucha por eliminar programa Comunidades Seguras en EU

Activistas y líderes locales a favor de las comunidades inmigrantes señalaron hoy que están cada día más fortalecidos para luchar contra el programa de Comunidades Seguras, stuff tanto a nivel estatal como nacional. Señalaron a raíz de la decisión de la Corte Suprema en el caso de Arizona decenas de localidades de todo Estados Unidos se alzaron contra los “programas nocivos de inmigración” que conectan a las autoridades locales con las de Inmigración y Aduanas. En Nueva York, order donde el programa Comunidades Seguras entró en vigor el 15 de mayo, los líderes de inmigrantes, activistas y funcionarios electos unen estrategias para denunciar sus efectos perjudiciales. “El gobernador Cuomo hizo lo correcto cuando se suspendió el año pasado el programa, y hoy seguimos pensando que este no debe funcionar en el estado de Nueva York”, dijo César Palomeque, líder de Se Hace Camino Nueva York.


Developing Workforce Development

Day laborers of La Jolla, seek Pasadena center, order Mountain View center, Williamsburg and Bay Parkway had received the workforce development trainings. The three key themes, which are a priority to the women and men day laborers, are: Branding and marketing, customer satisfaction and work ethics. Through various activities bases on popular education methodology day laborers learn and share experiences on this three topics. Due to the bad economy and the high unemployment rate in the nation day laborers had been force to increased and implement new marketing strategies to attract new employers. The workforce branding and marketing work helps day laborers learn basic elements on creating a marketing plan. It also teaches how to develop a brand strategy for day laborer centers. Finally the marketing work provides the 6 marketing strategies that can realistically implemented at a center creating ownership of the marketing strategy among day laborers.



The Missing Racial Profiling Argument in the Arizona Case » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It was nearly a month ago when the US Supreme Court issued its opinion in the case of Arizona vs. United States. In the decision, the Court ruled that most of Arizona’s SB1070 was unconstitutional because the enforcement of immigration law is a federal power, click not a state power. In the wake of the SB1070 decision, most of the discussion in the immigrant rights community has revolved around Section (2)b of the law, which the media often refers to as the “show me your papers” provision. Section (2)b, the only section in question that the court let stand, requires Arizona police officers to check the immigration status of anyone they stop, detain, or arrest in their normal course of duty.


Raising Arizona: Supreme Court’s Immigration Decision Creates More Questions Than It Answers

Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Arizona v. United States, a closely watched case in which the federal government challenged Arizona’s controversial immigration law, SB 1070. The decision and its impact has since been dissected in both legal and media circles. Perhaps more than anything, however, the immediate aftermath of Arizona highlights the host of difficult questions around state and local immigration enforcement that the Supreme Court didn’t answer.
