NDLON in the News

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5 immigration stories to watch in 2013 and beyond | 89.3 KPCC

Last year delivered some milestones in U.S. immigration history – including a historic demographic shift, fueled by immigration, as the children of nonwhite parents became the majority of babies born in this country. Also for the first time, more than 100,000 young people who arrived in the United States as minors are living out of the shadows after obtaining temporary legal status through deferred action, a new program that lets young undocumented immigrants who qualify live and work legally in the U.S. And in late June, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision in the case of Arizona v. United States, upholding the most contested provision of Arizona’s trendsetting SB 1070 anti-illegal immigration law. But the issue of states’ rights in setting their own immigration policies remains in flux as new controversies arise.


‘Reyes Magos’ recurren al gobernador Brown – laopinion.com

Los Reyes Magos llegaron ayer al Capitolio para visitar al gobernador Jerry Brown pero en lugar de regalarle oro, incienso y mirra como lo hicieron los hombres de oriente en Belén —según la tradición—, le entregaron una pluma gigante para que firme el Acta de Confianza, la iniciativa que podría frenar las deportaciones de inmigrantes sin delitos serios. “Queríamos estar aquí en el primer día de sesiones (legislativas) y motivar al gobernador a firmar el Acta de Confianza para dejarle saber que la comunidad está muy preocupada porque hemos visto muchas familias para quienes los días de fiesta fueron tristes debido a las deportaciones”, dijo la reverendo Debbie Lee, de la Coalición Interreligiosa por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes. En cuanto a la posibilidad de sensibilizar al gobernador con esta acción, Lee señaló: “Sabemos que tiene un corazón religioso y que esta temporada significa algo para él, así que estamos tratando de lograrlo con esto”.


New Study: US Spends More on Immigration Enforcement Than on Top Federal Criminal Law Enforcement Agencies Combined

A report issued today by the Migration Policy Institute finds that the federal government spends more on immigration enforcement than it does on the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, US Marshalls, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives combined. It also finds that more people are detained each year in immigration detention facilities than are…
