We are calling on arizona governor jan brewer to veto SB 1070.
Arizona is on the verge of enacting the most anti-immigrant legislation the country has seen in a generation. This is a bill which apparently mandates racial profiling. SB 1070 is quite literally intended to terrorize immigrant families.
We are hopeful Governor Brewer will consult with her legal counsel, issue a veto, and spare Arizona the expense of defending an unconstitutional, unwise, and odious bill in federal courts. But we will not rely solely on hope. We urge all opponents of this bill to TAKE ACTION and call, fax, and/or send an email to AZ Governor Brewer to let her know that we do not stand by a bill that threatens to terrorize, criminalize and profile non-white residents of Arizona.
Please forward the information on to your friends, family, co-workers and networks to speak up against SB 1070.
- Use your online networks, like email, IM, Blogs, Facebook and Twitter to spread the word online.
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspapers about your opinion of Immigration Reform and SB 1070.
- Take action online and offline. Become an active participant in the movement!
Go to WWW.ALTOARIZONA.COM to tell Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to VETO SB 1070!