Report: Latinos Scared To Report Crime Because of Local Immigration Enforcement – COLORLINES

Latinos are far less likely to contact police to report crime because of fears that doing so could trigger immigration detention and deportation. That’s according to new polling data released today of over 2000 Latinos in Los Angeles, ed Houston, Chicago and Phoenix. The report, “Inse Communities: Latino Perceptions of Police Involvement in Imm…

Sample Language for Local TRUST Acts

See example language for TRUST Acts: California TRUST Act – AB4 Connecticut TRUST Act – HB 5938 Massachusetts TRUST Act – SB 1135 Florida TRUST Act – SB730 Washington, DC Immigration Detainer Compliance Act – Passed 12/2011 Cook County, IL Policy on Immigration Detainers – Passed 09/2011 Chicago Welcoming City Ordinance – Passed 09/2012

EDITORIAL: Deportation stay humanitarian, wise thing to do- The New Haven Register – Serving New Haven, Connecticut

Jose Maria Islas of New Haven caught a break this week, at least for a while, in his desire to keep from being deported to his native Mexico by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His lawyer, Danielle Briand, thinks that since ICE is considering their request for a stay of removal, Islas ultimately will be given the stay and allowed to…

National Fast to Stop Deportations, Start Inclusive Reform Begins on May Day in Mountain View, CA


Day laborers, immigrant community start rolling fast as deportations continue at 1,100+ each day

05.01.2013 – Mountain View, CA

Maria Marroquin, director of the Mountain View Day Worker Center, and several others plan to abstain
from eating for the next eleven days, one day for each millions of undocumented people in the US
seeking political equality through immigration reform.

Support for Immigration Reform Requires Opposition to Unjust Deportations

Judiciary Hearing was lost opportunity to ask DHS Sec about top priority for Immigrants
04.23.2013 – Washington, DC.
With Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning,  Senators had an opportunity to ask questions about the broken, unjust status quo.   Instead, the hearing today was characterized by  Sen. Chuck Schumer saying, “we certainly need more drones,” while Sen. Feinstein asked questions about student visa fraud and Jeff Flake mocked border crossing migrants to a room full of laughter. 

At 2:30pm this afternoon, the Senate Appropriations Committee will have the opportunity for more substantive questioning of the Secretary responsible for unprecedented criminalization and deportation of immigrants and the $18 billion spent annually on enforcement.