Officials Still Targeting Non-Violent Immigrants, Despite New Obama Guidelines | Fox News Latino

Obama administration guidelines issued in December calling for immigration detainers to be reserved for the most dangerous foreign nationals are going largely ignored, according to a new analysis of federal data. Fewer than 10 percent of detainers actually targeted people who are considered a threat to public safety and national security, contrary…

New Detainer Statistics Show that Actual ICE Practice is Opposite of Administration’s Stated Priorities

Oct 01, 2013 – Los Angeles, CA
In response to new statistics released by TRAC today that, despite several directives from former ICE director John Morton,  fewer than one in nine (10.8 percent) of the ICE detainers met the agency’s stated goal of targeting individuals who pose a serious threat to public safety or national security, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement.
“The Obama Administration’s approach to immigration has spelled disaster for immigrant communities. No matter what talking points the President repeats, the data shows complete disregard for priorities, an expansion of the deportation dragnet, and more innocent people being ripped from their families.

Hispanos culparán a ambos partidos si fracasa la reforma –

Si la reforma migratoria fracasa en el Congreso los hispanos culparán a ambos partidos. Expertos en opinión pública latina insisten en que una propuesta migratoria liderada por los demócratas podría tener un efecto político, click pero enfatizan en que no los librará de toda la responsabilidad. Mientras en el Capitolio los demócratas se reúnen a puerta c…