Undocumented Caravan Stops in OC Today Along its Statewide Pro-TRUST Act Trip – Orange County – News – Navel Gazing

California families started their undocumented caravan journey on Monday urging the passage of the TRUST Act. As it makes its way from San Diego to Sacramento, here one of the planned stops includes the cities of SanTana and Orange. "The TRUST act will limit collaboration between local law enforcement and ICE," says Veronica Federovsky, West…

Suit Prompts ICE to Lift Immigration Hold on U.S. Citizen Gerardo Gonzalez


Just hours after U.S. citizen Gerardo Gonzalez filed suit on June 19, ICE lifted its erroneous immigration hold on him.  The Los Angeles born Mr. Gonzalez, represented by the ACLU of Southern California (ACLU/SC), the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) and the law firm Kaye, McLane, Bednarski & Litt, demanded that ICE lift the erroneous hold, which was preventing his release from criminal custody, and that the ICE Los Angeles Field Office stop issuing immigration holds without probable cause to believe a person is deportable. 

NDLON Reaction to Corker/Hoeven Border Militarization Surge Amendment

For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross Postings // Please Forward Contact: B. Loewe (773) 791-4668Date: June 21, 2013 NDLON Reaction to Corker/Hoeven Border Militarization Surge Amendment (Los Angeles) Pablo Alvarado, Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, issued the following statement: “The last election was a mandate to provide equality for immigrants, not a…

Lawsuit Filed to End Immigration Agency’s Practice of Unconstitutionally Holding American Citizens and Immigrants in Custody

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE // EXCUSE CROSS POSTINGS // PLEASE FORWARD Date: June 19, 2013Contact: ACLU/SC, Vicki Fox, vfox@aclu-sc.org 213.977.5252NDLON, Chris Newman, newman@ndlon.org, 213.380.2785 Lawsuit Filed to End Immigration Agency’s Practice of Unconstitutionally Holding American Citizens and Immigrants in Custody Seeks to End ICE Policy of Detain First, Investigate Later Seeking to end the government’s practice…

Pres. Obama’s immigration enforcement director to resign

President Obama’s immigration enforcement director announced his resignation early Monday, ending a four-year tenure that saw a dramatic shift in how the federal government pursues and deports unauthorized immigrants. In an internal letter to colleagues on Monday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton announced he would depart the agency by the end of July and start working for a private company. He will be moving to Capital One, the Fortune 500 financial services company, and be based in their McLean,Va. headquarters as head of the company’s compliance office, the company said in a statement.