El Patrón Es El Ladrón! – The Boss Is The Thief! | The Rebel Press

Like many struggling workers, Mr. José Ucelo Gonzalez looks for work every day at the Home Depot by Brookhurst Ave. and the interstate 5 fwy in Anaheim. On March 9th, 2012, Mr. Ucelo accepted a job offer by Michael Tebb; owner of M.T Asphalt, an Anaheim based company. The agreement was $10 an hour. After a hard 10-hour day work, Mr. Ucelo tried to collect his salary, but instead he got verbally abused and challenged to a fistfight by his employer. Mr. Ucelo remained calm and tried to deescalate the situation, but the harassment continued. Tebb accused his employee of robbery and threatened to call the police if he insisted on asking for his pay. The contractor got in his truck and left. Mr. Ucelo called 911 to ask for assistance but before he could give his location to the operator,

Judge Approves Landmark Settlement in Immigration Policy Case

FBI, DHS and ICE Agree to Release Crucial Documents Relating to Controversial

Deportation Dragnet Program, Se Communities


March 15, 2013, New York – Last night, a federal judge approved a settlement between the government and several rights groups in a long-running lawsuit demanding transparency in the controversial Se Communities (SCOMM) program.

Since its rollout in 2008, SCOMM has spread nationwide, over the protests of local and state leaders, contributing to the Obama administration’s widely criticized, record-setting deportation numbers.  The program targets all people booked into local jails, regardless of how minor the charges or even if no charges are pressed at all. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has recently come under fire for revelations that it has trolled state agencies and local jails looking for low-level offenders so as to meet its arbitrary criminal deportation quotas.     

Beware of police brutality against immigrants – Miami Herald

By involving city law-enforcement agents in an effort to eradicate illegal immigration, the U.S. government has also created a public safety problem, especially in immigrant communities like ours. Undocumented immigrants, who are no less worthy than the rest of human beings for not having proper papers, do not call the police, even when they are victims or witnesses of crimes, for fear of being deported and separated from their families. The controversial immigration enforcement program, Se Communities, considered an invaluable tool in ferreting out dangerous foreign criminals, also grants carte blanche to criminals and some in authority to commit abuse against a segment of our community. Furthermore, it endangers any American who may be a victim of a crime witnessed by an undocumented person who fears reporting it.

Deportaciones siguen sin freno – laopinion.com

El Servicio de Migración y Aduanas (ICE) no da tregua a las deportaciones, y tan sólo en enero pasado expulsó a casi 2, 000 californianos como resultado del controversial progama Comunidades Seguras, según revela un análisis de datos de la agencia hecho por la Coalición de Políticas del Inmigrante de California. El programa federal Comunidades Seguras consiste en la colaboración de las policías locales con ICE para mantener bajo custodia a indocumentados que han sido arrestado. Organizaciones proinmigrantes calificaron la cifra de "alarmante" e indicaron que hubiera sido significativamente menor si la Ley de Confianza, una iniciativa para proteger a los inmigrantes de deportaciones injustas se hubiera ya convertido en ley en California.