Doble Barrera para Jornaleros


NUEVA JERSEY — El guatemalteco Luis Hernández trabajaba en jardinería hasta que hace cuatro meses un grave accidente con una máquina le cortó el vientre, dejándolo temporalmente incapacitado.

Después de la desgracia, su patrón, un contratista del área de Fort Lee, Nueva Jersey, desapareció para evadir la responsabilidad de pagarle por los gastos médicos, que ascienden a $57 mil y una compensación mientras está inhabilitado para trabajar.

“Cuando sufrí el accidente quedé inconsciente, me llevaron al y allí estuve una semana. Al salir traté de ubicar a mi patrón, de nombre John, pero no volví a encontrarlo”, sostuvo Hernández (23), que vive en Fairview desde hace seis años.

Hernández es uno de los cerca de 180 jornaleros que se paran todas las mañanas en la esquina de la calle Columbia y la avenida Broad en Palisades Park. Casi un 90% de ellos son guatemaltecos, y al menos la mitad sólo habla un idioma indígena, por lo que su barrera de comunicación es doble.

La situación de Hernández no es aislada. José Torralba, organizador del centro de recursos para inmigrantes Viento del Espíritu, precisó que “entre los jornaleros la comunidad indígena es la más vulnerable, entre otras cosas porque hablan idiomas indígenas y están expuestos a más abusos y explotación laboral”.

Day laborers sit inside Bay Parkway Community Job Center on September 28,

New York must stand up for immigrant workers rebuilding Sandy-hit areas

[caption id="attachment_2358" align="alignleft"]Day laborers sit inside Bay Parkway Community Job Center on September 28, __fg_link_0__  2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City.John Moore/Getty ImagesDay laborers sit inside Bay Parkway Community Job Center on September 28, __fg_link_1__ 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. John Moore/Getty Images[/caption]Hurricane Sandy struck fast and furious, and when the waters receded it became clear just how much money and people power it would take to put New York City back together. 

As the cleanup began, another reality became clear. Immigrant construction workers, especially day laborers, who became first responders after the hurricane were operating as an underclass in an under-regulated construction industry.

Maria Marroquin awarded Bay Area Local Hero for KQED Latino Heritage Month

For Immediate Release

August 26, 2013

Mountain View, CA—The Executive Director of the Day Worker Center of Mountain View, Maria Marroquin, was selected to be a Bay Area Local Hero for 2013 KQED Latino Heritage Month.  Maria was selected from dozens of highly qualified candidates and will be awarded the honor on Tuesday, September 10th, at the Yerba Buena Center of the Arts in San Francisco. 

Carlos Danger

When disgraced ex-Congressman turned mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner needed an alias to carry on his explicit online chats, he needed something that said: OK, so I’m a cartoon…but I’m a bad boycartoon. And so was born, Carlos Danger.

Last week, Univision’s Satcho Pretto had the unrepentant Weiner on her Despierta América morning show. Ten minutes into the interview, she finally asked what her viewers really wanted to know. “You picked the pseudo name Carlos Danger,” she said. “Why did you pick a Hispanic name?”

Then, working hard to keep from laughing, Pretto continued, “…and how dangerous were you really?”

It’s a question that’s asked regularly of the U.S.-Mexico border. Just how dangerous is it really?

Fence, Camera, Drone.

Back in March, a few weeks before the Senate’s Gang of Eight filed their bill, Senator John McCain invited three of the other Senators to join him for a visit to the border. This sub-Gang of four was admiring the border fence separating Nogales, Arizona from Nogales, Sonora when a woman clamored over the top and made a run for it. Sen. McCain sent out a tweet about the exciting international event.

The reactions to the woman climbing up and over the 18-foot high galvanized steel fence varied. They were:

1. That danged fence isn’t high enough. We need to invest more money, on a double fence patrolled by megalodons.
2. See? Fences don’t work. Stop wasting money on a border fence that’s nothing more than a symbol.
3. I really need to get back to the gym.

The Immigrant Rights Movement: Advancing Media and Cultural Strategies

Mag-Net hosted a call on media and cultural strategies within the immigrant rights movement. Listen to the discussion:

May 1st marks May Day, also known as International Workers Day. On May 1st, 1886, nearly a half a million immigrants went on a general strike to fight for a 8-hour workday.  Over a hundred years later, starting in 2006, again millions of immigrant workers and supporters participated in May Day protests against H.R. 4437, a draconian anti-immigrant bill.   Even today, the majority of May Day protests are led by immigrants.

Operation Streamline

To understand Operation Streamline, it helps to visit the Judge Roy Bean Saloon & Museum, 60 miles north of Del Rio. This corner of Texas needed a local justice of the peace in the 1880s and Roy Bean took the job. Bean deemed his saloon a courthouse and dispensed what the state’s tourism department now describes as “his own brand of justice … with strange, but expedient decisions.”

Efficiency was king. Judge Bean had a saloon to run, after all. When he needed a jury, he called one from among his customers.  Whatever fines he imposed, he pocketed.

Once, when an Irishman killed a Chinese railroad worker and was sent to Judge Bean to be tried for manslaughter, a mob of 200 white people demanded the Irishman’s immediate release. Judge Bean set the Irishman free, holding that while homicide was the killing of a human being, there was no law against killing a Chinaman.