For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting
February 26th, 2019
Media Contact: Viridiana Vidal
(702) 206-2110 //
NDLON Reaction to Second Circuit Decision on Sanctuary Cities
Los Angeles, CA – In response to the news that the Second Circuit reversed an injunction preventing the Justice Department withholding funding from New York City and seven states in retaliation for their sanctuary policies on immigration, Chris Newman of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement:
“The Trump Administration doesn’t understand that all of these attacks on sanctuary cities- whether the threats of funding cuts, or the threats to do terrorizing paramilitary raids, or the racist threats to politically exploit tragedies- is only strengthening the resolve of cities and states to use their maximal constitutional authority to protect immigrants. Trump will eventually lose his war on sanctuary cities, as momentum grows to kick ICE out of our communities.
“We remain confident that if and when one of these cases makes it to the Supreme Court, the constitutional rights of cities and states to defend public safety will be vindicated.”