For Immediate Release
Date: March 5, 2020
Contact: Virdiana Vidal,
Immigrant & Civil Rights Groups Respond to ICE’s Threats Against New Yorkers
New York City, NY – In response to Donald Trump and ICE’s newest escalation in their failed war against sanctuary cities, immigrant and civil rights groups released the following statements:
“ICE might have their weapons and fear tactics, but we have faith and the power of the people. We are calling on all people of moral consciousness to join us and our allies in solidarity. We will not be intimidated by this threat. Our movement was born from faith and the fact that resistance can make a difference. We invite you to fiercely, faithfully resist with us.” – Meryl Ranzer, Campaign Coordinator, New York Sanctuary Coalition
“Our community is united and organized to protect and defend our people from ICE. We will not allow the continued unlawful actions caused by racists or the evil forces enabling the Trump administration.” – Jackie Agudelo, Executive Director, UCCW
“For how long will our communities continue to be targeted and continue to suffer? Too many families have been separated and traumatized by this broken immigration system. It’s time to stand together to protect our brothers & sisters, and demand that ICE stop terrorizing our communities.” – Rosa Santana, First Friends of New York and New Jersey
“Trump has made clear this white supremacist offensive is part of his electoral strategy – that’s both morally offensive and unlawful. But it’s also why our communities won’t back down and why his racist stunts will only galvanize our communities to defend our loved ones and kick ICE out of our cities.” – Jorge Torres, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)
“This has nothing to do with keeping us safe and everything to do with xenophobia, racism, and playing into Trump’s hateful base. But what we’re also seeing in New York City is that New Yorkers believe in sanctuary and will continue to defy the Trump administration. We will continue to protect and help our neighbors. And we will continue to fight back against hate until ICE is abolished and we end our carceral state.” – Whitney Hu, co-organizer, Sunset Park ICE Watch