The real ‘A Better Life’: A day laborer’s take on the Oscar-nominated film

“A Better Life” has earned stellar reviews from critics and a Best Actor nomination for Bichir. But what do the people that he portrays onscreen think of it? This week, at a national conference of day laborers in Los Angeles, case the film was screened before an audience of men much like Carlos Galindo: carpenters, roofers, gardeners and others who work

Hacen reclamo a Sheriff Baca

Al Sheriff Lee Baca le sigue pesando estar a favor del programa federal Comunidades Seguras (S-Comm) y de compartir la información de los detenidos por sus agentes con la Oficina de Migración. Duras críticas, order presión legislativa y órdenes judiciales han puesto en jaque tan polémica colaboración. Esta semana tres organizaciones civiles lo forzaron a través de los tribunales a publicar detalles de esa participación, exigiéndole revelar quiénes y cuántos indocumentados sin delitos graves fueron deportados por S-Comm en Los Ángeles, y especificar si hubo alguna “negociación” de por medio. – La Opinion 02.23.2012

Day Laborers Continue Fight Against SCOMM In California

Hundreds marched in downtown Los Angeles, cheap chanting and singing in protest against Se Communities, a federal program that demonstrators say allows law enforcement agencies to unfairly deport undocumented immigrants whether or not they have criminal charges against them. The rally was held by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) on Wednesday, the third day of its four-day summit, to discuss the future of day laborers and the challenges they face. NDLON consists of 43 organizations aiming to advance the rights of immigrant workers.  – Neon Tommy 02.23.2012

Jupiter resource center sets up free safety works for laborers

Many workers are so eager for a job they do not think about safety. They will climb on roofs, go up ladders and work with chain saws without proper instructions, said Joceyln Skolnik, executive director of El Sol Neighborhood Resource Center. Skolnik said one worker from the non-profit center lost a portion of his finger while unloading a truck. To prevent future injuries, El Sol is holding one work on Saturday and two more next month on worker safety. The works are free and open to the public. – Palm Beach Post 02.23.2012