Beware of police brutality against immigrants – Miami Herald

By involving city law-enforcement agents in an effort to eradicate illegal immigration, the U.S. government has also created a public safety problem, especially in immigrant communities like ours. Undocumented immigrants, who are no less worthy than the rest of human beings for not having proper papers, do not call the police, even when they are victims or witnesses of crimes, for fear of being deported and separated from their families. The controversial immigration enforcement program, Se Communities, considered an invaluable tool in ferreting out dangerous foreign criminals, also grants carte blanche to criminals and some in authority to commit abuse against a segment of our community. Furthermore, it endangers any American who may be a victim of a crime witnessed by an undocumented person who fears reporting it.

Deportaciones siguen sin freno –

El Servicio de Migración y Aduanas (ICE) no da tregua a las deportaciones, y tan sólo en enero pasado expulsó a casi 2, 000 californianos como resultado del controversial progama Comunidades Seguras, según revela un análisis de datos de la agencia hecho por la Coalición de Políticas del Inmigrante de California. El programa federal Comunidades Seguras consiste en la colaboración de las policías locales con ICE para mantener bajo custodia a indocumentados que han sido arrestado. Organizaciones proinmigrantes calificaron la cifra de "alarmante" e indicaron que hubiera sido significativamente menor si la Ley de Confianza, una iniciativa para proteger a los inmigrantes de deportaciones injustas se hubiera ya convertido en ley en California.

Team Mexico, including Giants star Sergio Romo, feels hostility amid Arizona’s immigration battle – Yahoo! Sports

Welcome to Arizona, help where the only thing worse than the fear and propaganda perpetuated by a government gone wild is what people with the temerity to have been born with dark skin must endure accordingly. Arizona has thrown itself into the teeth of an immigration debate that divides and angers as much as any in the country. Between the…

Release of ICE detainees shines spotlight on immigration reform debate

After news came out that Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had released some immigrant detainees who pose no security risks in anticipation of looming budget cuts, Latino groups called for a halt to deportations of undocumented families. “It shouldn’t take a manufactured crisis in Washington to prompt our immigration agencies to actually take steps towards using government resources wisely or keeping families together, treat ” said United We Dream’s Carolina Canizales.  Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), said ”the President should move aggressively to reunite the families currently divided by detention not only to save money but to bring immigration policy back in line with cherished national values.” ICE deputy press secretary Gillian Christensen released a statement today, saying that “as fiscal uncertainty remains over the continuing resolution and possible sequestration,

Controversy rises over Se Communities | Connecticut

Using local police to help find and deport illegal immigrants caught committing crimes: The Se Communities program run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement or “ICE” sparked controversy from the moment it was announced last year. When Sergio Bizuela got arrested for an incident in a bar, his wife came to bail him out, but couldn’t because Bizuela is an undocumented immigrant, and he was being held under something called Se Communities. “Se Communities is a federal immigration enforcement program that sweeps people with little or no criminal history into the deportation dragnet,” said Matthew Vogel, Yale law student.   Basically, it’s the federal government telling local law enforcement that when they arrest someone who is here illegally, send their information to ICE. They said they would target the worst, violent criminals.

A Little Red Beacon for Immigrant Laborers Shines On in Bensonhurst –

First, look 8 by 12: the width and length, in feet, of the wooden structure that housed the center. Then, 5,000: the approximate number of day laborers who have found work through the organization since its creation in 2001. And finally, 120: the estimated number of feet the shack traveled on Oct. 29, when Hurricane Sandy sent it hurtling into a nearby parking lot, battering the already sagging, tired structure. In the post-Hurricane Sandy period, New York’s immigrant day laborers have emerged as a vital resource. The mold and detritus might not have been cleared away without them, and the rebuilding process has once again sent residents clamoring for their muscle power. Few realize, however, that one of the most established day labor resources in the region was nearly toppled by the storm, at the moment when it would be needed the most.