NDLON Press Releases

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White House Budget Reflects Administration’s Inaccuracy and Contradiction on Immigration

For immediate release // excuse cross-posting // Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668   White House Budget Reflects Administration’s Inaccuracy and Contradiction on Immigration The President Cannot Deport His Way to Reform   This morning, the White House released its 2015 budget proposal, outlining its priorities and requesting to fund programs aimed at fulfilling its deportation quota.…


Reaction to Carney Deportation Statement: Reduction of Deportations IMPROVES chances for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

for immediate release / excuse cross postings / please forward.    Contact:  B Loewe,  bloewe{at}ndlon.org  773. 791.4668   Reaction to Carney Deportation Statement:  Reduction of Deportations IMPROVES chances for Comprehensive Immigration Reform    (Los Angeles/DC) In reaction to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s statement today that there is “no alternative to comprehensive immigration reform passing Congress,” Pablo…


NDLON Files Formal Request to DHS to Halt Deportations

Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668, bloewe{at}ndlon.org Petition Filers Seek Rule Change from DHS to Suspend Deportations, Agency Required to Respond The “Si Se Puede” Filing Provides Authoritative Legal Evidence of Obama Administration’s Ability to Expand Deferred Action, Grant Relief to Future Beneficiaries of Immigration Reform The National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) and a group…


NDLON Responds to GOP Immigration Principles

For immediate release // excuse cross-postingContact: B. Loewe, 773.791.4668 bloewe{at}ndlon.org In response to the GOP’s principles on immigration released today, Chris Newman, legal director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement: “We are concerned the nativists within the Republican party now control the the whip hand on the immigration reform debate.…


NDLON Responds to 2014 State of the Union Speech

“Tonight’s speech was both a disappointment and a call to action for immigrants to increase pressure on the President for relief and for their rights. If the President wants 2014 to be a year of action, immigration is one area where he can and should lead by example. The President has already shown that he has broad legal authority in the realm of immigration; but to date, he has mostly exercised that authority poorly as part of a failed political strategy.


Sheriff Baca Leaves Behind Terrible Record on Immigration

for immediate release // excuse cross-postingContact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668 Sheriff Baca Leaves Behind Terrible Record on Immigration, Replacement Will Need to Reverse Course January 07, 2014 – Los Angeles, CA“Sheriff Baca leaves behind a terrible record on immigration.” explains Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. Under Sheriff Baca’s tenure,…
