NDLON Press Releases

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Rubio Should Call for Suspension of Deportation for Those in His Own Bill

  While President Should Make DACA Expansion “Plan A” for Immigration Reform August 13, 2013 – Los Angeles, CA In response to Marco Rubio’s comments on the possible expansion of DACA, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, issued the following statement:   “Senator Rubio’s bizarre comments demonstrate precisely why the President…


Immigration Breakthrough in New Orleans Advances Reform, Rejects ICE Holds

New Orleans Day Laborers Move Immigration Reform Forward Through Historic Agreement with SheriffPrecedent-Setting Agreement Protects Against Racial Profiling, Unconstitutional Detention by Rejecting Burdensome ICE Hold Requests    New Orleans, LA – August 13, 2013   In response to the far-reaching agreement between Sheriff Gusman and New Orleans day laborers that directs Orleans Parish Jail to reject…


Stopping Deportations Should Be ‘Plan A’ for Immigration Reform

August 9, 2013 – Los Angeles, CA

With multiple reports citing administrative relief as a ‘Plan B’ to legislation in Congress and with outlets raising the question of executive action before the President’s vacation, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement calling for a suspension of deportations as a precursor to reform:
“The President has the legal authority and moral obligation to do more in order to advance immigration reform.  Rather than sit on the sidelines and merely seek political advantage from potential gridlock in Congress, the President can and should take steps today both to help immigrants and to improve prospects for legislation.    
