NDLON Press Releases

Latest updates on our news, events & campaigns

Trump stigmatizes people with his dehumanizing language, President Obama deports them

For Immediate ReleaseJanuary 4, 2016Contact: Salvador Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org REACTION: Trump stigmatizes people with his dehumanizing language, President Obama deports them Los Angeles, CA—In response to the White House’s new efforts to rev-up deportations, this time of women and children refugees, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), made the following…


Obama’s New Years Resolution Should Not Be to Deport Families Fleeing Violence

For Immediate ReleaseJanuary 3, 2015Contact: Olga Tomchin, olga@ndlon.org Obama’s New Years Resolution Should Not Be to Deport Families Fleeing Violence Los Angeles, CA – Right before Christmas, and after a federal judge ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to release families from immigration detention, the Washington Post reported that the Obama administration would instead…


NDLON REACTION to Sanders’ Immigration Plan

For Immediate ReleaseNovember 24, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org NDLON REACTION to Sanders’ Immigration Plan Los Angeles, CA—In response to presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ immigration plan, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) issued the following statement: “We look forward to studying the details, but it is frankly a welcome sign…


NDLON REACTION: Following Decision, Onus is Back on President to Take Action

For Immediate Release November 5, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org  NDLON REACTION: Following Decision, Onus is Back on President to Take Action Los Angeles, CA—In response to the 5th Circuit Court’s decision to uphold the injunction blocking implementation of DAPA and DACA 2.0, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) issued the…
