NDLON Press Releases

Latest updates on our news, events & campaigns

Arpaio and Montgomery Ordered to Stop Enforcing Statutes on which Raids are Based

For Immediate Release // Excuse cross-postings // Please forward January 5, 2015 Contacts: Caroline Picker, Puente, media@puenteaz.org, 510-501-7276Salvador G. Sarmiento, NDLON, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org, 202-746-2099Steve Kilar, ACLU of Arizona, skilar@acluaz.org, 602-773-6007 Arpaio Reign of Terror on Immigrants Suffers Another Crippling Blow in Federal Court CourtGrants Injunction in Lawsuit Against Workplace RaidsArpaio and Montgomery Ordered to Stop Enforcing…


Grassroots Groups Respond to Executive Action on Immigration

For immediate releaseContact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668, bloewe@ndlon.org Grassroots Groups React to President’s Executive Action on Immigration In reaction to the President’s executive action on immigration, immigrant rights leaders issued the following statements: Maris Franco, Lead Organizer of the #Not1More Campaign for NDLON, “If today is defining, it’s is in the breakthrough of directly impacted communities and grassroots…


Pablo Alvarado: The Only Se Community is an Organized One

for immediate releaseContact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668, bloewe@ndlon.org  NDLON Reaction to Executive Action: The only se community is an organized one.    In reaction to the President’s executive action on immigration, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of NDLON, issued the following statement: “The President’s speech tonight is a testament to the power and determination of migrants who…


NDLON Reacts to Mixed Messages as Anticipation Builds

For immediate release Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668, bloewe@ndlon.org   NDLON reaction to mixed messages as anticipation builds.   As leaks trickle out about the President’s plans to announce a change in deportation policy, reports have surfaced that the White House is turning to familiar allies to defend the policy shift regardless of its substance.…
