NDLON Press Releases

Latest updates on our news, events & campaigns

NDLON: New Report Reveals How Seattle’s Casa Latina is Fighting Poverty Amongst Day Laborers

For Immediate Release
April 22, 2016
Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, (323) 250-3018; Sierra Golden, sierra@casa-latina.org, 206.686.2640   NDLON: New Report Reveals How Seattle’s Casa Latina is Fighting Poverty Amongst Day Laborers Seattle, WA: In the 1990s Day Laborers in Seattle had very few options when looking for work, they would wait on street corners hoping someone would…


Advisory: NDLON Joins University of California Undocumented Students in Chant Down the Walls Public Action

For Immediate Release
April 22, 2016
Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, (323) 250-3018 Advisory: NDLON Joins University of California Undocumented Students in Chant Down the Walls Public Action ** NDLON will join University of California students in a march, rally, public testimonies and live performances as part of the Chant Down the Walls concert series ** Los Angeles,…


NDLON: In the Midst of the Battle for DAPA

For Immediate Release April 18, 2016Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, (323) 250-3018  NDLON: In the Midst of the Battle for DAPA Los Angeles, CA & Washington, DC—In the wake of oral argument before the Supreme Court this morning in the case of U.S. v. Texas, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) representatives, Jessica Karp Bansal and Salvador…


NDLON: The Deporter-In-Chief v. 26 Nativist Governors & Attorneys-General (aka US v. Texas)

For Immediate Release April 15, 2016Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, 951-966-6500 The Deporter-In-Chief v. 26 Nativist Governors & Attorneys-General (aka US v. Texas) Los Angeles, CA—In the lead up to oral arguments in the case of U.S. v. Texas, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) representatives, Pablo Alvarado and Jessica Karp Bansal, made the following statements: Litigation…


National Day Laborer Organizing Network named 2016-2017 Artist in Residence at Norman Lear Center’s Popular Music Project

Organization dedicated to improving the lives of day laborers in the United States LOS ANGELES (April 7, 2016) – The Norman Lear Center’s Popular Music Project is proud to announce the National Day Laborer Organizing Network as its 2016-2017 Distinguished Artist in Residence. The National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) was officially founded in July…


Day Laborer Organizations host OSHA Health and Safety Training to Emphasize Spanish Language Certification and Worker Justice

For Immediate ReleaseApril 1, 2016Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, (323) 250-3018 RELEASE: Day Laborer Organizations host OSHA Health and Safety Training to Emphasize Spanish Language Certification and Worker Justice LOS ANGELES, CA— In partnership with the United Steelworkers Union, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, with the support of The Labor Institute began the first national…
