NDLON Press Releases

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NDLON Statement on Jenni Rivera

(Español)   Todos y todas en la Red Nacional de Jornaleros estámos de luto por la pérdida de Jenni Rivera. Ella no sólo tuvo un impacto a través de su música, sino a través de tomar una posición firme para las Latinas y para inmigrantes y contra la discriminación y leyes como SB1070. Estamos eternamente…


Leaders of key immigrant groups to react to introduction of TRUST Act “3.0”

Hours after bill presented in Sacramento, influential LA leaders will urge Gov. Brown to take swift action; 
Passage of bill will be catalyst for national immigration reform

What:  Press conference featuring leaders of major community organizations, hailing the reintroduction of the TRUST Act in Sacramento. 

When:  Monday, Dec. 3, 2012, 3:30 PM

Where:  Headquarters of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 634 S. Spring St., Los Angeles

Who: Confirmed Executive Directors include: Pablo Alvarado, National Day Laborer Organizing Network; Vincent Chin, Chinese for Affirmative Action; Thomas Saenz, MALDEF; Reshma Shamasunder, CA Immigrant Policy Center.


Public Forum on Se Communities, ICE Holds, and TRUST ACT

  As Los Angeles and California are set to lead national reform, lessons learned from Chicago and elsewhere   Saturday Event Featuring Cook County Commissioner Garcia, MALDEF President, and  Legal Experts Make Case for Local Policy   What: Loyola Law School Forum: Immigrant Communities, Policing, and Safety When: Saturday, December 1, 2012. 12:00pm – 3:00pm Where: Loyola Law School,…


Day Laborers Offer Help in Rebuilding Efforts After Storm

New York and East Coast Worker Centers & Street Corner Hiring Sites Re-Open to Provide Ready and Reliable Labor 
to Homeowners and Businesses Damaged by Sandy

11.05.2012 – New York City, NY

As New York and much of the East Coast turn to deal with the flooding and damage caused by the super storm, day laborer worker centers and street corner hiring sites have reopened their doors and workers have made themselves available for all repair efforts.

Day laborers served a critical role in the reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and are committed to helping rebuild places damaged by the storm, especially the hard-hit New York region.

Homeowners and employers can find the help they need by contacting worker centers in their area listed below or at hireadaylaborer.org


Unprecedented Collaboration Between Georgia Law Enforcement and Federal Immigration Officials Prompts Lawsuit Demanding Transparency

    DHS and ICE violate Freedom of Information Act by failing to respond to six month old request.   Atlanta, GA –  October 24, 2012  Today the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) and the ACLU of Georgia filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The…
