President Must Use Senate Bill as Guide in Upcoming Executive Action

Yesterday, for the first time, Janet Napolitano revealed her perspective on how the decision to do DACA was made in 2012.   Today, Buzzfeed is reporting that the President is set to receive final recommendations from his current Secretary of Homeland Security about expected changes in deportation policies.   In reaction, Pablo Alvarado the Executive Director for…

Concerts Highlighting Urgency for Deportation Relief Continue Outside LA Detention Center with a Son Jarocho Performance

For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross Posting Contact B. Loewe, NDLON,, 773.791.4668 Concerts Highlighting Urgency for Deportation Relief Continue Outside LA Detention Center with a Son Jarocho Performance Los Angeles, CA – After a successful opening concert with Chilean MC Ana Tijoux, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) will continue the Chant Down the Walls Concert…

MALDEF and NDLON File Lawsuit Over TRUST Act Violation in Baldwin Park

For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross-Posting Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON,, 773.791.4668 Larry Gonzalez,, 202.466.0879 Donald Gatlin, 202.587.2871,   MALDEF AND NDLON FILE LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY AND POLICE DEPARTMENT OF BALDWIN PARK FOR VIOLATION OF CALIFORNIA TRUST ACT  One Year Following Passage of Law That Limits Cruel and Costly Immigration “Holds” in Local…

MALDEF and NDLON File Lawsuit Over TRUST Act Violation in Baldwin Park

For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross-Posting Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON,, 773.791.4668 Larry Gonzalez,, 202.466.0879 Donald Gatlin, 202.587.2871,   MALDEF AND NDLON FILE LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY AND POLICE DEPARTMENT OF BALDWIN PARK FOR VIOLATION OF CALIFORNIA TRUST ACT  One Year Following Passage of Law That Limits Cruel and Costly Immigration “Holds” in Local…

NDLON Reacts to LA County Renewal of 287(g) Agreement with ICE

For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross-Posting Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON,, 773.791.4668 NDLON Reacts to LA County Renewal of 287(g) Agreement with ICE Los Angeles, CA – In reaction to the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors voting to renew it’s 287(g) agreement at the request of the current unelected Sheriff, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National…

DACA Recipient Interrupts President During Gala Speech

For immediate release // excuse cross-posting Contact: B. Loewe, 773.791.4668, UPDATE: DACA Recipient Interrupts President’s Speech at CHC GalaWhile Families Facing Deportation Protest Outside Demanding Seat at the Table Video available at: Outside the gala, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, Casa de Maryland, Workers United of DC, Juntos and others picketed with signs…

NDLON Reacts to President’s CHC Gala Speech

In reaction to President’s speech on immigration tonight at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Gala, Pablo Alvarado issued the following statement:    “The President correctly noted that people want to know ‘where [his] heart is’ on immigration, and his reaction to the courageous shouts of Blanca Hernandez, summed things up perfectly.  The President said, ‘listen to what i’m…

Immigrant and LGBTQ Organization Applaud Congressional Support of Inclusion in Immigration Relief

For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross-Posting Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668, Immigrant and LGBTQ Organization Applaud Congressional  Support of Inclusion in Immigration Relief Washington DC – On Monday, Representatives Jared Polis, Raul Grijalva, David Cicilline, and Zoe Lofgren sent letter to the President calling for executive action that protects LGBT immigrants. The letter, signed by forty-four…