Se encadenan a la Casa Blanca y le piden a Obama que frene las deportaciones – Univision Noticias

ICE reporta que al 9 de septiembre 343, s 020 indocumentados han sido deportados de EEUU Activistas que defienden los derechos de los inmigrantes se encadenaron el miércoles a las rejas de los jardines de la Casa Blanca para pedirle al presidente Barack Obama que frene las deportaciones. La protesta se lleva a cabo un día después…

Activistas inmigrantes son arrestados por esposarse a verja de la Casa Blanca | La Conexión, Hispanic Newspaper NC

Siete activistas de la comunidad inmigrante fueron arrestados hoy tras esposarse a la verja de la Casa Blanca como parte de una protesta para exigir al presidente Barack Obama que ponga freno a las deportaciones de indocumentados. Al inicio de la protesta, los activistas portaron una enorme manta con la imagen de Obama en la que pidieron un alto a…

Editorial: Driver’s licenses for immigrants will make California’s roads safer – Editorials – The Sacramento Bee

A good number of law enforcement officials are also rightly backing another bill, which would shield some people in the country illegally but without serious criminal records from immigration holds and deportations. Brown vetoed a bill on the same issue last year, story expressing fears it would block federal immigration authorities from removing dangerous criminals. This version, Assembly Bill 4, has been narrowed to address those concerns and deserves Brown’s support. Known as the Trust Act, it would allow police to hold illegal immigrants convicted of serious crimes, including some misdemeanors; those charged with a serious or violent felony when probable cause has been found; and registered sex offenders or arsonists. But it would prohibit police from holding those arrested for minor crimes – illegal street vending or traffic violations, for instance – solely for immigration purposes.

Trust Act could be another win for immigrants and their advocates –

If Gov. Jerry Brown signs legislation known as the Trust Act, try federal immigration authorities will have a somewhat harder time taking custody of people in local jails who are suspected of being in the country illegally. The measure, link which would prohibit local jailers from holding most arrestees for an additional 48 hours before federal authorities…

Trust Act could be another win for immigrants and their advocates –

If Gov. Jerry Brown signs legislation known as the Trust Act, online federal immigration authorities will have a somewhat harder time taking custody of people in local jails who are suspected of being in the country illegally. The measure, which would prohibit local jailers from holding most arrestees for an additional 48 hours before federal authorities…