Niños marchan por una reforma migratoria – Univision 23
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A workers’ rights group in Mountain View said Sunday it wants to draw national attention to what it believes are unethical deportations of illegal immigrants. Maria Marroquin, the Executive Director of the Mountain View Day Worker Center, said she and other activists broke an 11-day fast on Sunday and hope the action will further the cause…
Teatro Jornalero Sin Fronteras is a theater company in Los Angeles made up of day laborers and domestic workers. Its members perform plays that tell their stories as immigrants. None of them have previous acting experience. Albert Sabaté/ABC/Univision Luis Juarez and Maria Lourdes performing in… View Full Size Teatro Jornaleros recently
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According to a new study, many Latinos admit they are less likely to report crimes because local police are more involved in enforcing immigration laws, ed which has led to an increase in deportations. Over 2,000 Latinos in major cities including, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Phoenix were surveyed over telephone for the report titled, Inse…
Illegal immigrants are being deported from Washington, D.C., at a lower rate than most states and other big cities under a federal program designed to remove illegal immigrants who have committed violent crimes. Data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement show the city deported 30 illegal immigrants in the first 10 months since implementing…
Latinos are far less likely to contact police to report crime because of fears that doing so could trigger immigration detention and deportation. That’s according to new polling data released today of over 2000 Latinos in Los Angeles, health Houston, Chicago and Phoenix. The report, “Inse Communities: Latino Perceptions of Police Involvement in Imm…
Latinos are far less likely to contact police to report crime because of fears that doing so could trigger immigration detention and deportation. That’s according to new polling data released today of over 2000 Latinos in Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago and Phoenix. The report, “Inse Communities: Latino Perceptions of Police Involvement in Imm…
Latinos are far less likely to contact police to report crime because of fears that doing so could trigger immigration detention and deportation. That’s according to new polling data released today of over 2000 Latinos in Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago and Phoenix. The report, “Inse Communities: Latino Perceptions of Police Involvement in Imm…
Latinos are far less likely to contact police to report crime because of fears that doing so could trigger immigration detention and deportation. That’s according to new polling data released today of over 2000 Latinos in Los Angeles, ed Houston, Chicago and Phoenix. The report, “Inse Communities: Latino Perceptions of Police Involvement in Imm…