Los Angeles: Jornaleros en contra de Comunidades Seguras

Así como la Agencia de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) planea descontinuar el programa 287(g) de cooperación con departamentos de policía locales en Estados Unidos, ed de la misma forma centenares de miembros de la Red Nacional de Jornaleros (NDLON) reclamaron el fin del programa Comunidades Seguras (S-Comm) y punto final a la “cacería” de inmigrantes por parte del alguacil del condado de Los Angeles, Lee Baca. “Alto a la Poli-Migra”, “Alto a la represión”, “Fin a Comunidades In-Seguras” fueron las consignas de los aproximadamente 200 manifestantes que recorrieron las céntricas calles de esta metrópoli. “El sheriff [Lee] Baca tiene que decidir si quiere servir a todo el mundo o a la Administración Obama y a Janeth Napolitano [secretaria del DHS]”, dijo a AOL Latino, Pablo Alvarado, director de NDLON. “Él se oponía anteriormente al programa 287(g) y se negaba a deportar a los inmigrantes. – AOL Noticias 02.22.2012

AFL-CIO leader champions day laborers’ quest for humane immigration reform

In a fiery speech on Tuesday, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said the national labor federation and its affiliates stand “shoulder to shoulder” with immigrant workers. “There is power in our union, cheap power big enough to transform this country,” Trumka declared. “You are critical to the future of the American labor movement.” Last year, for the

Jupiter resource center sets up free safety works for laborers

Many workers are so eager for a job they do not think about safety. They will climb on roofs, go up ladders and work with chain saws without proper instructions, said Joceyln Skolnik, executive director of El Sol Neighborhood Resource Center. Skolnik said one worker from the non-profit center lost a portion of his finger while unloading a truck. To prevent future injuries, El Sol is holding one work on Saturday and two more next month on worker safety. The works are free and open to the public. – Palm Beach Post 02.23.2012

DHS suspends expansion of Se Communities in Alabama

Due to ongoing federal litigation against Alabama’s controversial tough new immigration laws, see DHS has halted the expansion of the Se Communities immigration program in the state. Speaking before the House Homeland Security Committee last week about DHS’ latest budget request, case Secretary Janet Napolitano told lawmakersthat Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) already has three quarters of the state covered under the program, “but given the pendency of the litigation, we decided to just hold off on the remaining quarter.” The contentious Alabama immigration law passed last June includes several strict measures such as requiring schools to check the immigration status of students, prohibiting illegal immigrants from doing business with the state, and barring individuals and organizations from willingly aiding illegal immigrants. – Homeland Security News Wire 02.22.2012