Más Preguntas Que Respuestas

Gonzalo Mercado, Director de Programas Transnacional para NDLON La Administración Biden anunció varias medidas para regular la inmigración procedente de México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica, entre ellas la creación de centros de tramitación en Colombia y Guatemala, y la promesa de abrir con el tiempo algunos en otros países, donde los posibles inmigrantes puedan solicitar la…

ICE Arrests Father & Poultry Worker, Continues Targeting Victims of 2019 Workplace Raids

Groups in Mississippi and nationwide are denouncing ICE’s continued targeting of workers and families who were victims of its now infamous 2019 workplace raids, and calling for the immediate release and protection of Mr. Baldomero Juarez, a father, poultry worker and labor advocate who was arrested and transferred to ICE’s LaSalle migrant prison in Jena, Louisiana last week.

More Questions Than Answers

Yesterday, the Biden Administration announced several steps to regulate immigration from Central America and Mexico, including setting up processing centers in Colombia and Guatemala, and promising to eventually open some other countries, where prospective migrants can apply for legal entry into the United States.

Day Laborer Network Statement on Biden Re-Election Campaign

For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Contact: Erik Villalobos, evillalobos@ndlon.org Day Laborer Network Statement on Biden Re-Election Campaign (Los Angeles) In response to President Biden announcing his re-election campaign for 2024, Pablo Alvarado released the following statement on behalf of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON): “While some…

Day Laborer Network Statement on Susan Rice Departure from White House

For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting April 24, 2023 Contact: Erik Villalobos, evillalobos@ndlon.org Day Laborer Network Statement on Susan Rice Departure from White House (Los Angeles) In response to White House Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice, announcing her departure from the Biden Administration earlier today, Pablo Alvarado made the following remarks on behalf…

Florida Migrant Workers Demand Protections Amidst Racist Anti-Immigrant Attacks from Ron DeSantis

For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting April 18, 2023 Contact: Erik Villalobos, evillalobos@ndlon.org, Oscar Londoño, oscar@we-count.org Florida Migrant Workers Demand Protections Amidst Racist Anti-Immigrant Attacks from Ron DeSantis (Florida) As Governor Ron DeSantis rolls out an aggressive crackdown on undocumented immigrants and families in Florida, South Florida immigrant workers hosted community forums in…

Migración Laboral Boletín No. 1

Boletín Informativo No. 1 – Red de Corredores por la Justicia en Migración Laboral

La Red de Corredores por la Justicia en Migración Laboral surge de la necesidad de visibilizar y transformar la actual violación sistemática de los derechos y la criminalización de las personas migrantes trabajadoras ya sea en sus lugares de origen, transito y destino. Por esto, las organizaciones participantes se están organizando transnacionalmente para luchar por un acceso a la justicia y bienestar de las personas migrantes y sus familiares en el continente.