Doble Barrera para Jornaleros
PUBLICADO: Mar, 4, 2014 12:01 am EST
NUEVA JERSEY — El guatemalteco Luis Hernández trabajaba en jardinería hasta que hace cuatro meses un grave accidente con una máquina le cortó el vientre, dejándolo temporalmente incapacitado.
Después de la desgracia, su patrón, un contratista del área de Fort Lee, Nueva Jersey, desapareció para evadir la responsabilidad de pagarle por los gastos médicos, que ascienden a $57 mil y una compensación mientras está inhabilitado para trabajar.
“Cuando sufrí el accidente quedé inconsciente, me llevaron al y allí estuve una semana. Al salir traté de ubicar a mi patrón, de nombre John, pero no volví a encontrarlo”, sostuvo Hernández (23), que vive en Fairview desde hace seis años.
Hernández es uno de los cerca de 180 jornaleros que se paran todas las mañanas en la esquina de la calle Columbia y la avenida Broad en Palisades Park. Casi un 90% de ellos son guatemaltecos, y al menos la mitad sólo habla un idioma indígena, por lo que su barrera de comunicación es doble.
La situación de Hernández no es aislada. José Torralba, organizador del centro de recursos para inmigrantes Viento del Espíritu, precisó que “entre los jornaleros la comunidad indígena es la más vulnerable, entre otras cosas porque hablan idiomas indígenas y están expuestos a más abusos y explotación laboral”.
Video – Aqui Estamos, Aqui Trabajamos, Aqui Nos Organizamos
Aqui Estamos, Aqui Trabajamos, Aqui Nos Organizamos [iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen ] NDLON/Hofstra University Center for Civic Engagement
President Obama, Far from Champion-in-Chief
for immediate release // excuse cross-posting Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668 President Obama is Far from Being Champion-in-Chief, Immigration Policies Must Evolve March 06, 2014 – Los Angeles, CA In response to the President’s statement that he is a “champion-in-chief” for immigrant communities, Pablo Alvarado, executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued…
White House Budget Reflects Administration’s Inaccuracy and Contradiction on Immigration
For immediate release // excuse cross-posting // Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668 White House Budget Reflects Administration’s Inaccuracy and Contradiction on Immigration The President Cannot Deport His Way to Reform This morning, the White House released its 2015 budget proposal, outlining its priorities and requesting to fund programs aimed at fulfilling its deportation quota.…
How to Apply for NDLON Membership
CRITERIA: To become an NDLON member, an applying organization should meet the following criteria: Be a non-profit organization. Work with day laborers (the workers who are employed through temp agencies are also considered part of the day labor community) Work on organizing and leadership development of the day labor community. Adopt the Mission, Vision, Principles…
Información para solicitar membresia a NDLON
CRITERIOS: Para ser miembro de NDLON la organización solicitante debe cumplir con los siguientes criterios: Ser una organización sin fines de lucro. Trabajar con Jornaleras y Jornaleros (las y los trabajadoras/es de agencias de empleo temporal se consideran comunidad jornalera). Trabajar en la organización y desarrollo del liderazgo con la comunidad jornalera. Hacer suyo la…
Opinion: Time to Exert Executive Power Over Deportations
During his State of the Union address this year, President Obama said, “It is time to heed the call of business leaders, labor leaders, faith leaders, law enforcement–and fix our broken immigration system.” In the same speech, the president emphasized his executive power to take action when Congress will not. But Congress is threatening another impasse on immigration. And while Capitol Hill plays politics, Obama refuses to use his executive authority to halt the deportation of more than 1,100 immigrants per day.
Reaction to Carney Deportation Statement: Reduction of Deportations IMPROVES chances for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
for immediate release / excuse cross postings / please forward. Contact: B Loewe, bloewe{at} 773. 791.4668 Reaction to Carney Deportation Statement: Reduction of Deportations IMPROVES chances for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Los Angeles/DC) In reaction to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s statement today that there is “no alternative to comprehensive immigration reform passing Congress,” Pablo…
NDLON Files Formal Request to DHS to Halt Deportations
Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON, 773.791.4668, bloewe{at} Petition Filers Seek Rule Change from DHS to Suspend Deportations, Agency Required to Respond The “Si Se Puede” Filing Provides Authoritative Legal Evidence of Obama Administration’s Ability to Expand Deferred Action, Grant Relief to Future Beneficiaries of Immigration Reform The National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) and a group…
Protestors form human chain to block deportations
Immigrant rights supporters in Austin locked themselves arm-in-arm, mind forming a chain in front of the Travis County Jail Monday morning to stop the deportation of illegal immigrants.
The protestors are blocking the exit authorities used to transfer captured illegal immigrants to the Federal Building where they are held for Immigration and Customs Enforcement under the Se Communities program.
Six people have been arrested.
According to data from the Department of Homeland Security, the majority of immigrants deported from Travis County were not convicted of serious crimes.
A 2013 report from the Texas Commission on jail standards said the cost for holding an immigrant in the Travis County jail is $106.05 dollars per day.