Three times, try Fani Gonzalez packed a suitcase, click clutched her daughters in a tearful goodbye and begged the Virgin of Guadalupe for a miracle — anything, just anything, that could keep her from being deported back to her violent home city in Mexico. And three times, she traveled back from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Nashville to…
WHITE PLAINS.- El Ejecutivo del Condado Robert Astorino honró a varios miembros de organizaciones locales, look sin fines de lucro, por su contribución a la comunidad latina en el condado de Westchester, como parte del reconocimiento del Mes de la Herencia Hispana del Condado.
En el evento, Astorino agradeció a las diversas organizaciones por su trabajo y presentó varios premios por la labor excepcional y dedicación de aquellos que mejoran la comunidad hispana.
“Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro de Westchester son vitales para nuestra comunidad”, comentó Astorino, quien agregó que “no sólo dependemos de ellos para su conocimiento y habilidad para reunir voluntarios, sino también para trabajar en colaboración con el Condado en la prestación de servicios esenciales a nuestros residentes”.
Las personas honradas fueron: Millie Castro (El Centro Hispano), Luisa Grande-Rodriguez (Neighbors Link), Louis Lacopetta (United Community Center of Westchester), Janet Rolón(Hispanic Resource Center), Ana Martínez (Family Ties), Tamaris Princi (Westchester Independent Living Center), Yolanda Davis (HOPE Community Services) y la Westchester Hispanic Coalition, por ser la única organización comunitaria en el Condado que proporciona servicios legales de inmigración. El Mes de la Herencia Hispana es reconocido por los estadounidenses en todo el país del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre. Es un tiempo para que los ciudadanos estadounidenses cuyos antepasados vinieron de una variedad de países de habla española, celebren su historia y cultura, expresó Astorino.
El Condado de Westchester cuenta con aproximadamente 210 mil residentes hispanos, que representan alrededor del 22 por ciento de la población del Condado, un aumento de casi 16 por ciento desde el 2000, se dio a conocer.
Casi uno de cada seis residentes del Condado de Westchester habla español en casa, finalizó el comunicado.
[caption id="attachment_2358" align="alignleft"]Day laborers sit inside Bay Parkway Community Job Center on September 28, __fg_link_1__ 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. John Moore/Getty Images[/caption]Hurricane Sandy struck fast and furious, and when the waters receded it became clear just how much money and people power it would take to put New York City back together.
As the cleanup began, another reality became clear. Immigrant construction workers, especially day laborers, who became first responders after the hurricane were operating as an underclass in an under-regulated construction industry.
Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG) acusaron a Estados Unidos de criminalizar a los inmigrantes indocumentados, y exigieron poner fin a las deportaciones, al abrirse este lunes las audiencias ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) en Washington. Grupos de abogados, trabajadores y académicos denunciaron que las autoridades d…
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) comienza este lunes su 149 período de audiencias, con nuevos asuntos y dinámicas que a través de su discusión en las audiencias pueden llevar a la construcción de nuevos estándares. Su secretario ejecutivo, el mexicano Emilio Alvarez Icaza, indicó lo anterior y destacó que se tratarán asuntos qu…
President Obama urged Congress on Thursday to revive immigration reform, store which is not dead but not moving, link either. He was talking mostly to House Republicans, though he also urged business, labor and religious groups to “keep putting the pressure on all of us to get this done.”
It’s good that Mr. Obama said “us.” It acknowledges his own role in this continuing disaster.
Much of the responsibility to fix what Mr. Obama calls the “broken immigration system” lies within his own administration. He can’t rewrite immigration laws, but he can control how well — or disastrously — they are enforced. He can begin by undoing the damage done by his Homeland Security Department. Mr. Obama has just nominated Jeh Johnson, a former Defense Department general counsel, to replace homeland security secretary Janet Napolitano, who resigned in July. It’s the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. Here is what it might look like:
STOP NEEDLESS DEPORTATIONSThe Obama administration has kept up a frantic pace of 400,000 deportations a year, and is closing in on two million. Those numbers are driven by politics, not public safety. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has wide discretion to determine whom it detains and deports. It can retool all its policies to make noncriminals and minor offenders — the people most likely to benefit from the reform now stalled in Congress — the lowest priority for deportation.
The deportation surge is fed by programs like Se Communities, which does immigration checks on everyone arrested by local and state law enforcement, and Operation Streamline, in which border crossers in the Southwest are prosecuted en masse, with little access to legal representation. Mr. Obama turned the dragnet on, and can turn it off. In marches and vigils across the country, protesters have made one plea on deportations to Mr. Obama: “Not one more.” He should heed it.
ACKNOWLEDGE THE CRISIS As he makes the case for immigration reform, Mr. Obama often mentions the economic consequences of failure — jobs unfilled, crops unpicked, investments not made and taxes not collected. He would do well to highlight the human costs of enforcement without reform, in separating families, and violating the civil and labor rights of workers.
Defiant advocates in Tucson, Ariz., recently blocked buses carrying Operation Streamline detainees, drawing attention to the damage done by indiscriminate deportation. In East Haven, Conn., last week, two police officers were convicted of abusing Latino residents, part of an egregious pattern of abuse. There and elsewhere, the Justice Department has done much to investigate and stop illegal policing and civil rights abuses; Mr. Obama should redouble administration efforts to protect the rights of immigrants and noncitizens.
GET BEYOND POLITICSThe talk in Washington has focused on how, after the shutdown debacle, Republicans and Democrats might exploit immigration for political advantage. But last week, the genuine immigration crisis intruded, as if from another universe. Busloads of Arizonans — parents, children, students known as Dreamers — lined up outside House Speaker John Boehner’s office, pleading for a meeting and praying for action on reform. Mr. Boehner had no time for them.
The shutdown was a fake emergency. Immigration is a real one, harming lives every day in every state. Mr. Obama has sometimes been resentful when immigrant advocates remind him of his failures. Now, at least, he has invited their pressure.
President Obama “has the responsibility” to stop deportations of illegal immigrants if Congress proves unable to pass a comprehensive immigration bill, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) argued in an interview published Friday. “There are devastating effects if the Congress of the United States cannot enact comprehensive immigration reform – then the p…
Do you believe the president should issue, s as some groups have called for, a “ceasefire” on deportations – should halt deportations? I think the President of the United States should listen to all quarters in this debate. And I think that those who call on the President of the United States to re-evaluate his actions on the dreamers and expand it –…
Do you believe the president should issue, treat as some groups have called for, a “ceasefire” on deportations – should halt deportations? I think the President of the United States should listen to all quarters in this debate. And I think that those who call on the President of the United States to re-evaluate his actions on the dreamers and expand it –…