Thomas Jefferson Street Blog
Teaching Constitutional and Historical Literacy to America’s Youth
As Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
The Milken Family Foundation Aims to Reward High-Achieving Teachers
It’s nice to see great teachers receive some of the respect they deserve.
Keenan Draughan, Air Travel and Guns in America
One airline passenger summed up America’s regional differences by bringing loaded weapons on a flight.
Is the NFL’s Pink Breast Cancer Campaign Doing More Harm than Good?
Is the league actually doing any good with its big breast cancer awareness campaign?
Because of Obamacare Glitches, Individual Tax Penalty Should Be Delayed won’t be up and running anytime soon.
Obamacare’s Problems Will Go Far Beyond Glitches and Websites
With the shutdown behind them, Republicans can focus on highlighting Obamacare’s flaws.
Republicans Must Capitalize on the Obamacare Website Failure
Republicans have an opportunity to capitalize on Obamacare’s failures, but will they take it?
No Republican Tent Is Big Enough for the Radical Tea Partiers
Republicans must make it clear that racism, serial intransigence or failure to recognize economic reality are not conservative values.