Realizarán conferencia nacional de jornaleros en Los Angeles – Terra Colombia

Cientos de jornaleros de 14 estados del país se reunirán a partir del domingo en una conferencia que tendrá como oradores al presidente nacional de la central sindical AFL-CIO y al director de la película “A Better Life”. La conferencia nacional de cinco días abordará temas como la participación de los jornaleros en la lucha contra las leyes anti

Day Laborers From Across Nation Arrive in Los Angeles to discuss future

“On the Road to Justice, Ni un Paso Atrás  (Not One Step Back)” Day Laborers From  Across Nation Arrive in Los Angeles to discuss future  –Multiple media opportunities, including “A Better Life” screening w/ Chris Weitz What: Sixth National Assembly of Day Laborers convened by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network When: February 19 – February 23rd, 2012 Where: Sheraton Downtown, 711 S. Hope…

Historic National Assembly of Day Laborers Begins Sunday in Los Angeles

On the Road to Justice, Ni un Paso Atras (Not One Step Backward)
Historic National Assembly of Day Laborers Begins Sunday
in Los Angeles

What: Sixth National Assembly of Day Laborers convened by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network
When: February 19 – February 23rd, 2012
Where: Sheraton Downtown, 711 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, CA. 90017
View the Assembly Program Here

Fellowship Sponsorship Opportunities & Volunteering

Fellowship Sponsorship Announcement & VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES November 2016 The National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) is currently accepting applications from qualified third-year law students, recent law school graduates and judicial law clerks who are interested in applying to Equal Justice Works, Skadden, Soros or other post-graduate public interest fellowships sponsored by NDLON. We seek creative,…