Out of the Shadows & Into the Streets, to Stop Arpaio!!



There are so many indescribable words that can portray yesterdays [March 20th2012] act of bravery and resistance by six undocumented students.  These six students stepped up to the plate, without anyone telling them to. Why? Because they believed it was time to take matters into their own hands. Tired of not seeing any progress, and wanting to empower their communities, they did what many of us would not expect six undocumented (not to mention two minor aged) students to do. They mobilized and faced the Phoenix Police Department challenging to have Arpaio to come and get them.

Saúl Linares es uno de los nuevos miembros de la junta directiva de la Red Nacional de Jornaleros.

http://www.noticiany.com/noticia/18114/13/jornalero-de-hempstead-es-reconocido-a-nivel-nacional Saúl Linares es uno de los nuevos miembros de la junta directiva de la Red Nacional de Jornaleros.   Linares: “En los próximos dos años tenemos por delante una lucha gigante”.   Eliana López En octubre del año pasado, s Saúl Linares, un jornalero salvadoreño miembro de la organización Centro de Derechos Laborales (CDL),…

Poster Contest “Our Lives, Our Struggle”/Concurso de Cartel “Nuestra vida, nuestra lucha”

Poster Contest “Our Lives, Our Struggle”/Concurso de Cartel “Nuestra vida, nuestra lucha”

*Español abajo.

To celebrate its 20th Anniversary, The Workplace Project calls on all interested people to participate in a Poster Design contest with the theme “Our Lives, Our Struggles”



To contribute to the fight for the recognition of the multicultural nature of our society, the struggle for respect of diversity and for the rights of immigrant workers in the United States and especially Long Island, NY.


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Posters will be received from February 25, 2012 until April 10, 2012

Jornaleros Detenidos de Tucson – Raúl Alcaraz Ochoa

Buenos dias tengan todas y todos ustedes. Me llamo Raúl Alcaraz Ochoa aquí junto con compañeros representando el Centro de Trabajadores Southside de Tucson, AZ.

Les presento hoy con gran tristeza y rabia en mi corazón.

En Tucson, zona fronteriza, vivmos una realidad pesada. Existe una militarización y criminalización de nuestra comunidad inimaginable. Nuestra zona es única por estar cerca de la frontera, con Patrulla Fronteriza saturando nuestras calles y personas cruzando y muriendo en el desierto a diario.

Georgia Still on My Mind

During the hearing on Georgia’s HB 87, a replication of Arizona’s notorious SB 1070, Judge Thomas Thrash posed a hypothetical scenario: an 18-year-old man is driving his mother to church. He is a citizen, while his mother is not. Under HB 87, would the son be a criminal? The question is not a theoretical matter for thousands of families in Georgia, and millions nationwide. It is reality.

The Battle of Arizona… In California

Californians took a turn against the Arizonification of immigration policy and took a step toward standards we expect and the oversight we deserve when the state passed the TRUST Act out of its assembly’s public safety committee this week.

The modest bill meant to improve public safety, foster transparency, and protect civil rights following the botched expansion of the Se Communities program, now makes California a national focal point for the next phase of the battles over Arizona-style immigration policies that would convert police into enforcers of our nation’s broken, and unjust, immigration laws.

Re-birth of a Nation

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Re-Birth of a Nation

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When I first saw the campaign ad in Louisiana, it reminded me of the 1915 klan film “Birth of a Nation.” As I watch election results and copycat bills of Arizona’s SB 1070 spreading across the country and now 14 states considering attempts to rewrite the 14th amendment, I wonder what nation we are birthing today.