Obama’s Immigration Nuclear Option: Stopping Deportations Unilaterally – Molly Ball – The Atlantic

The biggest obstacle facing immigration reform may be not opposition but inertia. Leaders of the House of Representatives have said they plan to act, but with the coming months likely to be consumed by budget drama, immigration could fall by the wayside. If that happens, advocates of immigration reform have another idea: They’ll push Obama to p…

False Promises: The Failure of Se Communities in Miami-Dade County , Florida – RISEP

This report1 addresses the impact on Miami-Dade County of the Se Communities program, currently one of the primary federal immigration enforcement programs administered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). DHS claims that the program prioritizes the removal of convicted criminal aliens who pose a danger to national security or public safety, repeat violators who game the immigration system, those who fail to appear at immigration hearings, and fugitives who have already been ordered removed by an immigration judge

Tennessee Sheriff Threatens To Stack Immigrants ‘Like Cordwood’ In Jail | ThinkProgress

Even after Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) rejected Knox County, Tennessee’s request to participate in a controversial immigration program, Sheriff JJ Jones vowed to take immigration enforcement into his own hands. In a response to ICE’s denial, Jones threatened to stack undocumented immigrants “like cordwood” in the local jail. ICE sent a letter to Jones’ office stating that the federal government is unable to authorize Knox County because of “resource concerns, including the impacts of sequestration.” But Jones sharply rebuked the government’s denial to allow Knox County to participate in the 287(g) program which would allow local authorities to enforce federal immigration laws.

If House GOP can’t do better, Obama must act on immigration – The Hill’s Congress Blog

Today, medical the immigration debate continues to be counterproductive enough that, even after a $38 billion “border surge” of military-style security added to the Senate bill, legislation still faces an uphill battle. Many see an opportunity for the House GOP to lead on immigration. However, if the House cannot seize the opportunity, the president has on…

Local Cops Divided Over Continuing To Help Federal Immigration Agents | Fox News Latino

The police director for the city of Newark is ordering his officers to refuse federal immigration officials’ requests that they detain suspected undocumented immigrants accused of minor crimes. In California, ask the legislature is considering a measure that would call for local law enforcement agencies not to hold immigrants held on minor offenses so…