Immigrant Groups Announce “Migrant Justice Platform” to Change Nation’s Course on Immigration

On Tuesday morning, immigrant rights groups unveiled the Migrant Justice Platform, a unity blueprint for executive and legislative actions on immigration from grassroots voices nationwide. The Migrant Justice Platform presents a vision and principles to depart from the failed “comprehensive immigration reform” strategy of previous administrations and calls for concrete actions in three thematic areas: at home, on the southern border, and abroad.

ICE Press Conference Reveals Trump is on the Losing Side Of History

The irony of today’s disgraceful press conference is that it reveals that Trump is on the losing side of history, both in court and in the court of public opinion. The more Trump calls immigrants criminals, the more he will propel a growing, bottom-up national consensus that ICE and white supremacy must be expelled from police stations and sheriffs departments in order to truly secure our communities.