To the editor:
We thought The Times tried to avoid tendentious language and partisan advocacy in its news coverage. But then we read Miriam Jordan’s Sunday article (4/23) about President Biden’s various uses of executive authority to expand legal immigration.
It says Mr. Biden “opened a back door to allow hundreds of thousands of new immigrants into the country.” The headline: “Biden Opens a New Back Door on Immigration.”
“Back door” is the kind of language Republicans use to liken immigrants to burglars or home invaders. It functionally accuses Mr. Biden of finding sneaky, illegitimate ways to help people who have no right to be here. It implies illegality.
In the face of implacable Republican opposition to statutory reform, for better and worse, Mr. Biden is using existing legal power that resides within the Presidency. Nothing about expansion of parole has been underhanded or lawless.
A small bright spot of Mr. Biden’s otherwise incoherent immigration policy shouldn’t be blotted with xenophobic rhetoric. The President is opening a door. Just call it a door. We wish he would open it wider.
Chris Newman
General Counsel,
National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)