For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting
February 10th, 2017
Contact: Armando Carmona, 323-250-3018;;
ICE’s Attempts to Normalize Immigration Raids Must be Challenged at Every Turn
Los Angeles, CA – On Friday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a press statement acknowledging that they detained more than 160 individuals during immigrations on Thursday February 9th 2017. This statement comes as ICE agents repeatedly attempted to counter claims made by immigration advocates and lawyers regarding the arrests of “over 100 immigrants” through home raids in several cities in southern California.
In response, David Abud, Regional Organizer from the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement:
“We recognize these raids as an effort by ICE and the new administration to sow chaos and intimidate our communities. They are attempting to normalize these attacks towards our community and we must be ready, at a moments notice, to mobilize and resist. In the face of these efforts, we will remain vigilant, focused, and organized. We are now more than ever emboldened to fight every single deportation and all further attacks on our communities in whatever form they may appear.”
“Ironically, this most recent attempt to terrorize Los Angeles residents will likely compel local elected officials to take more aggressive actions themselves. When Mr Trump was first elected, we heard many statements offering moral support for communities the has threatened. Now it is time for leaders to action and to demonstrate the courage that immigrants are showing in response to Mr Trump’s bullying.”
“In Los Angeles, we will continue to push for Universal Representation and to make it a Sanctuary City that provides safety for all of its residents. Throughout California, a consensus is emerging in support of SB-54 (The “Values Act,” Senator de Leon) which would ensure public safety for all Calfornia residents.”