For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting
Wednesday, April 18th, 2018
Contact: Armando Carmona, 323-250-3018;

Trump Tweets Only Strengthen California Policy

Los Angeles, CA – On Wednesday morning, President Trump tweeted regarding the localities in CA seeking to challenge SB54.

In response, Pablo Alvarado, Director of NDLON issued the following statement:

“Trump’s tweets against California might win the news cycle on talk radio, but his attacks only strengthen the resolve and cohesiveness of efforts to advance immigrant rights in California.

Simply put, his bullying doesn’t work over here. We’re not scared of him or his tweets, and we don’t fall for his efforts to scare and divide people.

To the contrary, the Trump Administration’s fear tactics are quite literally proving why sanctuary policies are needed and also why they’re legal. And whether it’s Session’s lawsuit, or Homan’s gangster-style threats against politicians, or Trump’s juvenile tweets, or outside interference from carnival-barking paid xenophobes, all of these things will backfire, just as Prop 187 did.”
